Page 6 - Technical s (Designing of online monitoring tools) for Measles Follow-up- campaign in Sudan
P. 6
WHO –Technical Support on Measles Follow-up Campaign in Sudan 2019
Measles SIA in Sudan Targets and Schedule
The Measels SIA in Sudan was conducted in two phases. The first phase of the SIA was
implemented from 8 to 17 April 2019 and the second phase was conducted from 23 April to 02
May 2019, targeting the below set of population.
Table 1: Targets in each state
9 month
Child less Child child- 9 5 years to to less
than a under 5 month-less less than Less than 5 than a
States Population year years than 10 year 10 years years year
1 Blue Nile 1,266,237 42,437 194,747 347,790 184,871 152,310 10,609
2 Darfur 1,568,656 54,081 250,985 439,448 229,024 196,904 13,520
3 East Darfur 1,454,356 52,980 247,095 419,696 212,336 194,115 13,245
4 Gazira 5,918,937 207,712 939,928 1,648,309 864,165 732,216 51,928
5 Gedaref 2,935,101 103,085 473,725 824,936 428,525 370,640 25,771
6 Kassala 2,495,386 84,752 388,781 689,544 364,326 304,030 21,188
7 Khartoum 8,562,890 262,165 1,230,487 2,284,045 1,250,182 968,322 65,541
8 North Darfur 3,331,803 122,124 566,073 960,924 486,443 443,949 30,531
9 Kordofan 2,477,948 87,889 410,844 706,707 361,780 322,955 21,972
10 Northren 726,181 22,246 102,537 191,875 106,022 80,291 5,561
11 Red Sea 1,016,089 26,855 122,642 250,850 148,349 95,787 6,714
12 River Nile 1,493,291 47,076 216,229 398,942 218,020 169,153 11,769
13 Sennar 2,221,600 78,448 359,899 625,417 324,354 281,451 19,612
14 South Darfur 4,408,000 160,577 748,919 1,272,055 643,568 588,342 40,144
15 Kordofan 1,837,639 63,011 299,535 520,572 268,295 236,524 15,753
16 West Darfur 1,714,672 59,115 274,345 480,351 250,342 215,230 14,779
17 Kordofan 1,912,477 67,833 317,089 545,436 279,222 249,256 16,958
18 White Nile 2,490,865 90,115 410,245 706,325 363,666 320,130 22,529