Page 10 - Technical s (Designing of online monitoring tools) for Measles Follow-up- campaign in Sudan
P. 10

WHO –Technical Support on Measles Follow-up Campaign in Sudan 2019

                               Table 6: Reporting and details of  targeted and vaccinated children

                                       No. of                       Child   Card   for the First     child
                        State                   Target   Vaccinated                              (Confirmatory
                                     Checklist                      Seen   Seen    time(9  to 12   response from
                 BLUE NILE              26       436       423      432     421         8             12
                 East Darfur            641      2031     1741      1827   1626        46            244
                 GEDARIF                120      735       640      470     483        15             90
                 KASSALA                154      760       628      549     502         4            132
                 NORTH DARFUR          1520      4289     3971      4000   3348        111           329
                 NORTH KORDOFAN         43       103       111       64     93          2             9
                 NORTHERN               512      1076      910      924     759         5            170
                 RED SEA                228      439       322      314     256         8            102
                 RIVER NILE             205      2070     1860      1597   1473        36            207
                 SENNAR                 279      1308     1088      1238   1057        20            216
                 SOUTH DARFUR           39       987       907      918     897         6             78
                 SOUTH KORDOFAN         184      507       380      431     382         1            116
                 WEST DARFUR            546      1671     1497      1509   1476        12            114
                 WEST KORDOFAN          63       179       161      120     145         2             18
                 WHITE NILE             63       174       148      151     144        10             25
                        Total          4623     16765     14787    14544  13062        286           1862

               The below table and graph indicates the Vaccination coverage in each state, % of child seen, %

               of card seen and Percentage of children un-vaccinated during the Measles SIA. The sample
               monitoring was conducted for 4623 households in which 16765 children were identified and it

               was found that 14787 were vaccinated.

                                             Table 7:Coverage of Measles in states

   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15