Page 9 - Technical s (Designing of online monitoring tools) for Measles Follow-up- campaign in Sudan
P. 9

WHO –Technical Support on Measles Follow-up Campaign in Sudan 2019

               Cumulative reports received through the KOBO data collect.

                                     Table 5:  Cumulative Report Received through KOBO

                S.No                       Name of Checklist                      Number of Checklist Received
                  1              لزانملا يلع فارشلإا ةرامتسإ         Measles                 4166

                  2      )أ( نيماتيف + للش( لزانملا يلع فارشلإا  ةرامتسا  Polio and Vitamin   3624
                  3        ةلمحلا لبق ام ةطشنا - دياحملا فارشلاا ةرامتسا  Measels             51
                  4         ةلمحلا ءانثا ةطشنا دياحملا فارشلاا ةرامتسا  Polio                383
                        يلع فارشلاا ةرامتسا  -    دياحملا فارشلاا ةرامتسا
                  5                                              Team Monitoring             1050
                  6              لزانملا يلع فارشلإا ةرامتسإ        Measles                  1968
                                                                    Polio and
                  7      )أ( نيماتيف + للش( لزانملا يلع فارشلإا  ةرامتسا                     1484
                  8              عقاوملا يلع فارشلإا ةرامتسإ        Measels                  818
                  9            -    قرفلا ىلع فارشلإا  ةرامتسإ        Polio                  740
                         Total checklist shared via KOBO                                    14284

               Reporting and Data Analysis for Measles Coverage
               On daily basis the monitoring reports were shared with program manager on the results of

               coverage of measles vaccine for the country and states, reasons for non-vaccination and the
               source of the campaign information.

               The below  table  indicates the cumulative monitoring  reports  shared  by Government
               supervisors and WHO independent monitors for the entire period. During the first phase

               of  monitoring  of  measles  SIA,  WHO  independent  monitors  were  not  engaged  in
               monitoring therefore the reporting for the first phase in low.

               Further  the  table  shows  the  number  of  children  identified  as  target  in  the  sample

               monitoring and number of children vaccinated. The monitoring indicators for number of

               child seen and card seen in the household are also part of the table
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