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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter
May 2019 Volume 45 Issue 9
Message from President Brown
reetings Sorors,
We have made it to the end of the year and biennium. Over the past
two years, the chapter has successfully provided the community with
innovative and quality programming centered around the Five Point
Programmatic Thrust and Social Action.
Inside The
Each and every member is to be commended for her contributions to the work of the Torch
Chaplain’s 2
chapter. Successful programming requires the dedication, time and effort of all chap- Corner
ter members. The measure of our success is evident by recognition received and the Signature Pro- 3
willingness of other organizations to work with us in our endeavors.
grams: STEM
Thank you, sorors came together to make 2019 Crème de la Crème a financial suc-
cess. The financial success will be allow us to continue to uplift and serve our commu- 2019 Crème 4-7
de la Crème,
nity in bigger and better ways. The 2019 Community Health and Resource Fair was Ltd: With a
very successful with over seventy (70) vendors providing health and wealth tips to the Gospel Explo-
more than 400 attendees. These are just a couple of examples of the work that has sion
Community 8-10
been done in the community throughout the year. We have a few more events before Health and
the end of the month and all are encourage to come out and support the Reach for Resource Fair
Height Legacy Luncheon, the Exodus Community Workshop and the public forum on
crime in our city. Sister Circles 11
Courtesies & 12
Sorors, it has been an honor and truly a blessing to serve as the chapter president and Birthdays
I truly appreciate your vote of confidence to allow me to serve two more years. It is Collegiate 13
my prayer that we will all work together to reach the goal of making our chapter and Graduates
community better. I also pray that we as a sisterhood can put the things that really
Upcoming 14
matter in front of the small stuff that only interrupts the good intent of our actions. Events
Doing so will allow us to flourish to maximize our potential, more importantly it will Convention 15
clear the way for us to fulfill the mission of OUR beloved Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Package
Special points of interest:
Have a great summer— relax, refresh and come back renewed! 2019 Crème de la Crème,
Ltd: With a Gospel Explosion
Committed to IMPACTFUL Service, Community Health and Re-
source Faor
Cassandra E. Brown
31 Chapter President