Page 12 - CCFA Journal - 12th Issue
P. 12

Markets 市场观察                                     加中金融

    近日,欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩宣布,将对来自中国的                                      Recently,  European  Commission  President  Ursula  von  der
    电动汽车发起反补贴调查。欧盟碳边境调节机制(CBAM)                                   Leyen  announced  that  it  will  launch  an  antisubsidy
    过渡期实施细则也将于今年 10 月 1 日起正式生效。结合                                 investigation  against  electric  vehicles  from  China.  The
    2022 年美国的《通胀削减方案》和今年初欧盟的《净零                                   implementation  guidelines  for  the  EU's  Carbon  Border
    工业法案》草案,目标都是通过产业政策,兼顾碳中和                                      Adjustment  Mechanism  (CBAM)  transition  period  will  also
    和经济发展,来提升清洁技术的本地产能,把绿色转型                                      formally take effect on October 1 this year. Together with the
    和产业发展结合起来。                                                    US "Inflation Reduction Act" in 2022 and the EU's draft "Net
                                                                  Zero  Industry  Act",  the  goal  is  to  promote  local  clean
    近年来中国品牌新能源车在欧份额快速提升,对欧洲本                                      technology  capabilities  through  industrial  policies  while
    土电动汽车发展造成一定冲击。中国汽车品牌渗透率从                                      balancing  carbon  neutrality  and  economic  development,
    2020 年的 3%上升至今年的 8%,Canalys 预计 2025 年比                        integrating green transformation with industrial development.
    重将提升至 16.5%。中国汽车整车出口从长期停留在总产                                  In  recent  years,  the  market  share  of  Chinese  branded  new
    量的 5%以下,经过疫情三年的猛增,今年总量可逼近                                     energy vehicles in Europe has increased rapidly, posing some
    500 万辆,为世界第一,出口比例接近各汽车主要出口大                                   impact to the development of local electric vehicles in Europe.
    国 20%的水平。                                                     The penetration rate of Chinese auto brands in Europe rose
                                                                  from 3% in 2020 to 8% currently, with Canalys forecasting it
    30%+(包括特斯拉中国),如果未来关税等贸易保护政                                    will increase to 16.5% by 2025. Chinese auto exports, which
    策实质性落地,可能倒逼国内车企出海欧洲布局产能。                                      long  stayed  below  5%  of  total  production,  surged  over  the
                                                                  past three pandemic years, with total volume approaching 5
    同时,欧美贸易保护主义存在本质差异:汽车对于欧洲                                      million  vehicles  this  year,  making  China  the  world's  largest
    国家属于支柱性产业,与民生强挂钩。                                             exporter, with an export ratio nearing the 20% level of major

    而传统能源还与美元等相关,与虎谋皮的政治意味更浓。                                     automotive exporting countries.
    相比欧盟的贸易保护受益方包括所有本地经营企业,美                                      It is estimated that the market share of Chinese new energy
    国更优先本土企业,会造成贸易关系的扭曲。政策层面                                      vehicles in European exports accounts for over 30% (including
    我们需要认真研究世界贸易规则,妥善处理贸易纠纷。                                      Tesla  China).  If  trade  protection  policies  such  as  tariffs  are
    促进世界贸易发展、平缓贸易发展给局部带来的负面影                                      substantively  implemented  in  the  future,  it  may  force  local
    响,坚持长期主义,注意平缓对进口市场的短期冲击。                                      automakers to accelerate overseas deployment in Europe. At
    企业层面,尽快实施出口转型,由汽车产品出口向资本                                      the same time, there are inherent differences between trade
    和技术输出转型。                                                      protectionism in Europe and the US: automobiles are a pillar
                                                                  industry closely linked to local employment and livelihoods in
    近日第十次中欧经贸高层对话在北京举行。双方承诺保                                      European countries.
    双方同意共同维护和加强以世贸组织为核心、以规则为                                      The 10th China-EU Economic and Trade High-Level Dialogue
    基础的多边贸易体制,反对单边主义和保护主义。双方                                      was recently held in Beijing. Both sides pledged to maintain
    同意构建稳定互信的产业链供应链,共同维护全球产业                                      two-way  opening  and  provide  a  fair  and  non-discriminatory
                                                                  business environment for each other's enterprises. The two
    链供应链韧性和稳定,反对“脱钩断链”。第三次中德                                      sides  agreed  to  jointly  maintain  and  strengthen  the
    高级别财金对话在法兰克福达成 25 点共识。
                                                                  multilateral trading system centered on the WTO and based
    鲍威尔在 Jackson Hole 会议上的发言,重申 2%通胀的通                            on  rules,  and  oppose  unilateralism  and  protectionism.  The
    胀目标不变,根据未来数据决定政策路径,可能会采取                                      two sides agreed to build a stable and trusted industrial and
    进一步加息。总体看,下半年中长期美债的供给并未显                                      supply  chain,  jointly  maintain  the  resilience  and  stability  of
    著增加,对利率的抬升只是阶段性的。而通胀和就业数                                      global industrial and supply chains, and oppose "decoupling
    据呈回落趋势,意味着美联储本轮加息周期很可能已结                                      and dismantling." The third Sino-German High-Level Financial
    束。同时,高利率也开始对美国的财政产生明显的付息                                      Dialogue reached 25 consensus points in Frankfurt.
    压力,进而对经济形成拖累,美债收益率大概率接近顶                                      In his Jackson Hole speech, Powell reaffirmed that the target
    部。                                                            of  2%  inflation  does  not  change,  and  future  data  will
                                                                  determine  the  policy  path,  which  may  involve  further  rate
                                                                  hikes.  Overall,  given  that  the  supply  of  medium-  and  long-
                                                                  term US treasury bonds has not increased significantly in the
                                                                  second  half  of  the  year,  interest  rate  hikes  are  only  stage
                                                                  adjustments.  Meanwhile,  signs  of  declining  inflation  and
                                                                  employment  data  imply  that  the  current  round  of  Fed  rate
                                                                  hikes is likely to end. At the same time, high interest rates are
                                                                  starting to put obvious pressure on the US fiscal burden and
                                                                  thereby drag on the economy.

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   November 2023
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