Page 21 - CCFA Journal - Third Issue
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CCFF2020/加拿大中国金融论坛 2020                            加中金融

        专题讨论 Panel Discussion

        Wei : 今天我们加中金融论坛非常荣幸地请到 AIG 集团负
                                                                  Wei: It is a great pleasure to have Ms. Maggie Zhang, Chief
        责国际业务人力资源的 Maggie  Zhang 女士和皇后大学职
                                                                  HR  Officer  from  AIG  Group,  and  Ms.  Paulina  Nozka,
        业教育与辅导经理 Paulina Nozka 女士参加今晚的小组讨                         Manager of Career Education and Coaching from Queen’s
        论。我想先请 Maggie 和 Paulina 自我介绍后跟我们分享                        University joining our panel tonight. Before I hand over the
        一个小窍门,如何在新冠期间保持良好的状态。我来抛砖                                 mic to our panelists. Just to add a little twist, I want to ask
                                                                  Maggie and Paulina to share a tip on something that helped
        引玉一下,我叫 Wei,  10 年前开始从事风险管理工作,
                                                                  you  stay  sane  during  the  pandemic  after  introducing
        曾在几家加拿大银行工作,目前在蒙特利尔银行从事风险                                 yourself. For example. I am Wei, I started my career in risk
        资本分析。新冠期间,我自己或约上朋友出去慢跑,这有                                 management  almost  a  decade  ago,  worked  for  several
        助于我在身体和精神上保持活跃。 像这样,Paulina, 要                            Canadian  Banks  and  currently  work  for  BMO  on  Risk
                                                                  Capital Analytics. And I have been going out for jogs by
                                                                  myself  or  with  a  friend,  which  helps  me  to  stay  active
        Paulina: 谢谢 CCFA 邀请我。正如你刚刚介绍,我在皇后                         physically  and  stay  connected  mentally.  Paulina,  would
                                                                  you please go first.
        金融硕士,管理和分析硕士以及刚刚推出的新项目, 涉及金                               Paulina:  Thanks  for  having  me.  As  you  mentioned,  I'm  the
        融创新和 FinTech 的人工智能管理项目。在此之前,我曾                            manager of career education and coaching at Smith School of
                                                                  Business at Queen's University, and I work with a few more
                                                                  specialized  master's  programs,  Master  of  finance,  Master  of
                                                                  Management  and  Analytics,  Master  of  Management  and
                                                                  Artificial  Intelligence  and  the  new  program  that  we  just
        弄明白他们想做什么,第一份工作到整个职业生涯计划。                                 launched,  the  Master  Financial  Innovation  and  Technology,
        对于一些年长的学生,也许是想在事业上寻求下一个目标,                                FinTech program.
                                                                  What I do in my job is a combination of career education and
        几乎每天散步,大部分时间做瑜伽,偶尔我们会叫我的朋                                 coaching.  I  work  with  students  in  all  parts  of  the  career
                                                                  development process, from their first job or trying to figure out
                                                                  what  they  want  to  do.I  also  work  with  senior  students  who
        Wei : 谢谢 Paulina 的分享。Maggie 你呢?
                                                                  wants to make progress in their career. Prior to this, I worked
        Maggie: 早上好,中国,晚上好,加拿大。我是 Maggie 很                        abroad  for  many  years  as  a  high  school  teacher  and  a
        高兴来这里,我是 AIG 国际业务的首席人力资源官,也就                              management consultant. I lived and worked in Asia and Europe,
                                                                  and had traveled to over 30 countries along the way, so it is my
        是说,我负责 AIG 在北美以外的所有国家和地区的人力资
                                                                  absolute pleasure to be here.
        工作,从跨国大公司,如沃尔玛,渣打银行在亚太地区的                                 A tip for surviving the pandemic, what's helped me is similar to
        不同地点工作,如新加坡,上海和香港等。我是2014年加                               you,  taking  a  walk  almost  every  day,  yoga  most  days,  and
        入 AIG 的亚太总部香港工作,由于疫情,我现在深圳家中                              occasionally  we  used  to  call  it  runs  with  my  friend,  but  we
                                                                  became  honest  with  ourselves  and  just  changed  the  name  to
        工作将近 6 个月了。幸运的是,在深圳的生活是完全正常
                                                                  power walks. Try to do that on a regular basis, get out, socialize
                                                                  and keep connected.
        建立新的日常生活,确保你仍然可以把生活和工作分开,                                 Wei:  Thank  you,  Paulina!  Love  your  sharing.  How  about
        当你在家工作的时候,工作和生活的界限变得非常模糊。                                 you, Maggie?
                                                                  Maggie:  Good morning China and good evening Canada, I’m
                                                                  very glad to be here.  I am the CHRO for AIG international
                                                                  business, which means I cover all the countries and regions for
                                                                  AIG out of North America. I’ve been working in HR  for the
                                                                  past 20 years, started from Mainland China, and then worked
                                                                  for a few big companies like Walmart, Standard Chartered Bank
                                                                  in different locations in Singapore, and then Shanghai and Hong
                                                                  Kong.  For  my  whole  career,  I  worked  mostly  in  HR  as  a
                                                                  generalist in the financial industry. I joined AIG in 2014 based
                                                                  in Hong Kong, but because of the pandemic I am now stuck in
                                                                  Shenzhen for almost six months. Luckily, the life in Shenzhen
                                                                  is totally normal, because you still have domestic travel, and
                                                                  you can have your proper holidays. The only change is that now
                                                                  we have to work from home for the whole year. I think it's very
                                                                  important to really remind yourself to set up your new routine
                                                                  to separate life and work, when working virtually from home
                                                                  the boundaries between work and life can become blurry.

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   MARCH 2021                               Page 21
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