Page 25 - CCFA Journal - Third Issue
P. 25

CCFF2020/加拿大中国金融论坛 2020                            加中金融

        Wei:亚洲和北美工作场所的文化差异是什么? 该如何应对                              Wei: What are the cultural differences between Asian and
        呢?                                                        North American workplaces? How to deal with this?
                                                                  Maggie:    There  are  indeed  quite  a  few  differences  between
        Maggie: 亚洲和北美的职场文化确实有很多不同。总的来                             Asian  and  North  American  workplace  cultures.  Generally,
        说,亚洲社会有很强的等级意识,尊重权威,服从领导,                                 Asian society has a strong sense of hierarchy, respects authority,
        不欣赏个人英雄主义。北美的工作场所遵循西方普世价值                                 obeys leadership, and does not appreciate individual heroism.
        观,尊重个人意志和人权平等。强调沟通技巧,鼓励团队                                 The North American workplace follows the Western universal
        成员表达自己的观点并积极参与。很多时候,我们把自己                                 values  and  respects  individual  will  and  equality,  emphasizes
        的能力归于是否能够清晰地表达自己。因为我们的英语不                                 communication skills and encourage team members to express
        够好,其实并不全是语言的问题。你背后的思考、想法和                                 their views and participate actively. A lot of times we attribute
        逻辑对于清晰有效地表达同样重要。我们的传统教育不重                                 our ability to clear communication because our English is not
        视沟通表达能力的培养,巨大的入学压力挤压了综合素质                                 good enough, but it's not all about language skills. The ideas
                                                                  and logic behind you are just as important for clear expression.
        培养的空间。在北美的工作场所,绝大多数的中国人也从                                 I also mentioned that our traditional education doesn’t cultivate
        事技术或专业工作,晋升到高级管理职位的机会非常少。                                 the ability to communicate well. Most Chinese employees in the
        印度精英是一个例外,我们应该向他们学习。他们中的许                                 North American workplace are in technical or professional jobs,
        多人也从专业和技术岗位起步,但往往在几年后进入更高                                 and  it  is  very  rare  for  them  to  be  promoted  to  senior
        级别的管理岗位。据我观察,印度专业人士一般都是通过                                 management positions. The Indian elite is an exception that we
        MBA 课程来提高自己的管理能力。再加上他们在工作中                                should learn from. Many of them also start out in professional
        敢于表达自己的意见和建议,积极参与团队融入,有充分                                 and technical positions, but often emerge a few years later into
                                                                  higher-level  management  positions.  According  to  my  own
        的存在感。中国同事的想法可能比印度同事更可靠,但他                                 observation, Indian professionals generally take MBA courses
        们总是怀疑自己是否不够成熟。会被同事嘲笑吗? 我的英                                to  enhance  their  management  ability.  Plus  they  are  brave
        语够好吗 ?在这些挣扎中,机会一次又一次地消逝。                                  enough  to  express  their  opinions  and  suggestions  at  work,
                                                                  actively participate in the team, make efforts to integrate, and
        Paulina:  我也同意,实际上我不是在加拿大出生的。我出                           have a full sense of existence. Chinese colleagues may have
        生在波兰,10 岁的时候和我的家人移民来这里,随后在四                               more reliable ideas than Indian colleagues, but they are always
        个不同的地方生活,所以我很能体会 Maggie 说的。我现                             wondering whether their ideas are mature enough, would it be
        在和很多中国学生一起工作,我们很有共鸣。波兰有句谚                                 ridiculed by their colleagues, whether they can communicate
        语:“静静地站在角落里,做好你的工作,你会被注意                                  these  ideas  well  etc.  During  these  internal  struggles,  the
        到。” 在波兰是这样,但在加拿大却不是这样,这并不是                                opportunity passes away again and again.
        说你不应该努力工作。我认为这和加拿大文化中更以人为                                 Paulina: I agree as well, I was actually not born in Canada. I
        本有关,所以我希望你适应这里的文化,不那么讲究等级                                 was born in Poland and immigrated with my family when I was
        观念。要能为自己说话。你不需要大喊大叫争吵,不需要                                 10 years old, so I experienced that big shock firsthand and then
        刻意表现得非常外向。有时候也可以一对一表达自己,对                                 multiple times after that with four different places I've been, so
        我而言这就比在人群中发言更有效。所以尽管发挥你的优                                 I actually looked into doing an MBA in international business
        势,让别人知道你。                                                 when I came back from my overseas adventures. I work with a
                                                                  lot of Chinese students now through my job and in coaching,
        除此之外,还有个关于简历的小发现。欧洲的人力资源专                                 and I find we have something in common that resonates with
        业人士都知道,无论应聘者在简历上说了什么,他们都需                                 me. We have a saying in Poland, “stand quietly in the corner do
        要补充说明,因为应聘者通常都很谦虚,会贬低他们的成                                 your work well you'll get noticed”. That is true in Poland, but
        就。相比之下,在北美,人力资源专业人士往往会对简历                                 that  is  not  true  in  Canada,  not  that  your  hard  work  is  not
                                                                  appreciated, but I think it ties to the aspect of Canadian culture
                                                                  of being more individualistic as well, so the expectation is that
                                                                  you have to take care of yourself and speak up for yourself. So,
        Wei: 在进行招聘时,你最常看到求职者犯的错误是什么?
        你对他们有什么建议?                                                as part of the culture being less hierarchical you are expected to
                                                                  take  ownership and  to step  up  and  get  yourself  known. You
        Maggie: 当你找工作的时候,我觉得你应该问问自己,你                             don't need to do this in a loud and obnoxious way or become a
        想要什么? 你最终的职业目标是什么? 你真的需要为每一                               hyper extrovert. It can be done individually, and that's worked
                                                                  a lot better for me than speaking up in groups. So play to your
        次求职和招聘都制定一个计划帮助你实现目标。找到你喜                                 strengths, but you need to let people know who you are.
        以热情会驱动你。当你真的有激情的时候,你的面试官会                                 Add to that some interesting little thing that I learned, resumes
        感受到。你会有更好的机会把工作做好。在面试过程中,                                 even, because it starts early in the process. HR professionals in
        做真实的自己,你不需要急于展示你的专业知识。当你回                                 Europe know that they need to add to whatever the person say
                                                                  on their resumes, because candidates are typically modest and
        答这些面试问题的时候,尽量具体一些,用例子或事实,                                 would  downplay  their  achievements.  By  contrast  in  North
        而不是对自己泛泛的评价。这样的话,他们会觉得你准备                                 America, the HR professionals immediately downplay what is
        得很充分,而且你对这个领域很了解。                                         written  on  a  resume  because  people  tend  to  overstate  their
        Paulina : 我就是这么做的,从自我评估开始,找出你的热
        情所在。因为一旦你有了工作激情,它自然无所不在。                                  Wei:  In  terms  of  gender  equality:  finance  industry  is
                                                                  primarily dominated by males, what are the advice you will
        Wei:  在性别平等方面,金融行业以男性为主,您对进入                              give to young women who are entering the industry?
                                                                  Maggie:    I’m  not  sure  whether  this  is  a  financial  industry
                                                                  problem but rather  a universal  problem or challenge. I think
        Maggie: 这可能不是一个金融行业的问题,普遍覆盖整体
        行业。毕马威(KPMG)的全球统计数据显示,金融行业 42%                            global wise KPMG stats shows 42% of its workforce is female,
                                                                  but  if  you  look  at  the  upper  chain  of  those  in  the  financial
        的劳动力是女性。但如果你看看那些金融行业的上层,数                                 industry,  the  percentage  drops  steadily  and  less  females  are
        量逐步下降,高层领导中的女性越来越少。整个金融行业                                 represented  in  top  leadership.  The  whole  financial  industry
        都意识到了这一挑战,他们都在积极采取措施鼓励女性领                                 realized this challenge, and they are all taking an aggressive
        导。所以这就是为什么我要说,如果你打算以一名女性员                                 approach to encourage female leadership. So that's why I say if
        工的身份进入这个行业,这可能也是一个非常好的契机,                                 you're planning to go into this industry as a female employee,

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