Page 48 - CCFA Journal - Third Issue
P. 48

  风控大讲堂 Risk Management Forum                       加中金融

        由于中国金融和经济体系持续渐进改革和市场经济在计划经 (2) China's systemic risk structural problems are prominent.
                                                               As  China's  financial  and  economic  system  continues  to  reform
                                                               gradually and the market economy continues to grow and develop
       机构风险、银行风险与资本市场等非银行风险、政府承担的                              on  the  basis  of  the  planned  economic  system,  the  structural
       风险与市场承担的风险、实体经济风险与金融体系风险、市                              problems of economic reform and development are also reflected
       场机制风险(过度投机)与行政机制风险(破坏市场机制)、                             in the systemic risk. These structural problems bring multi-sources,
       基础产品风险与衍生产品风险(资产交易、证券化、嵌套)、                             complicated  and  volatile  transmission  mechanism  to  China’s
       投机性风险(短期)与投资性风险(中长期)、金融性风险 systemic risk. The risk management needs effective cooperation of
       与操作性风险(治理、法律、科技应用等)、偿付能力风险 market economy and non-market economies.
                                                               5. How to manage China's systemic risk from a macro perspective?
       多变,管理起来需要市场经济和非市场经济的手段的有效配 In  the  past few decades, China   has   managed  systemic risk by
       合。                                                      initial  capital  or  guarantors  from  the  government  and  by
                                                               accumulated capital through rapid economic growth. Due to the

                                                               virtuous circle of these two means, China's economic collapse and
       五、如何从宏观上管理中国系统性风险?                                      crisis had not occurred, even with increasing systemic risk. Many
                                                               problems have been resolved during the economic development.

        过去几十年我们对系统性风险的管理一是通过政府提供初始 How to macro-manage systemic risk in the future?
       的资本或担保来承担,二是靠快速地发展提供资本积累。这                              First of all, it is still fundamentally up to economic development.
                                                               Without economic growth, systemic risk is ultimately very difficult
       加的同时而没有发生崩溃和危机,很多问题都是在发展过程                              to cover. Therefore, China's economic development policies are
       中解决的。未来如何宏观管理系统性风险呢?                                    the  cornerstone  of  systemic  risk  management  in  the  financial
       风险最终是很难兜底的。因此,中国各项经济发展政策是金 Second, it requires a reasonable corporation between the market
       融系统性风险管理的基石。                                            and the government functions. Markets are to disperse risks, and
                                                               governments  are  to  provide  the  final  coverage  (to  a  limited
                                                               degree). Markets are focused on managing systemic risks on a day
       府来(有限度地)兜底;市场注重对日常系统性风险的管理,                             to day basis; governments have to manage the bottom line.
                                                               Third,  strengthen  identification  and  attention  of  important
        第三,加强对重要系统性风险源的识别和关注,不仅包括诸                             systemic risk sources, including not only the four old risk points,
       如房地产金融、地方政府融资、国企融资(尤其是僵尸企 that is, the real estate financing, local government financing, state-
       业)、资管业务等老的四大风险点,也包括中小银行(机 owned enterprise financing (especially zombie enterprises), and
       构)、普惠金融、金融科技、外部冲击等新的四大风险点。                              capital management business, but also the  new four risk points:
                                                               small  and  medium-sized  banks  (institutions),  inclusive  finance,
        第四,加强对具有普遍性的高风险商业模式和运行机制的关                             fintech, and external shocks.
       和操作风险较高的商业模式。                                           Fourth, pay more attention to the high-risk business models and
                                                               operating mechanisms, such as various business models with high
       最后,我们要加强系统性风险管理思维。有效利用多年来现                              speculative  risks  and  operational  (especially  fraud)  risk  such  as
       代风险管理的发展积累,夯实监管(包括宏观和微观审慎监 "Pyramid Scheme" and "Ponzi Scheme" in the investment field.
       升市场和政府作用的机制的和谐统一,从而处理好风险管理                              Finally,  China  should  strengthen  the  systemic  risk  management
                                                               thinking, including effective use of accumulated knowledge and
                                                               experience  of  modern  risk  management  over  the  years  to
                                                               enhancing  supervision  (including  macro  and  micro  prudential
                                                               supervision),  promoting  the  coherence  of  risk  management
                                                               between institutions and government supervision, improving the
                                                               mechanism  of  markets  and  government  roles,  and  eventually
                                                               balancing  relationship  between   risk   management   and

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   MARCH 2021
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