Page 44 - CCFA Journal - Third Issue
P. 44

   风控大讲堂 Risk Management Forum                       加中金融


                    The Characteristics and Response Strategies of Systemic Risk in China

                                         【 作者】陈忠阳,现任中国人民大学财政金融学院教授、博士生导师,中国人民大

                                         Chen Zhongyang is currently a professor in the Renmin (People’s) University of China, and a
                                         senior researcher at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies. He was a Vice Dean of
                                         the International College of Renmin University, Chairman of the Academic Committee, and
                                         Head of Financial Risk Management, and founded the master's and doctoral programs in
                                         Financial Institutions Risk Management in China.


        系统性风险是一个相对较新的概念,被认为是 2008 年金融危机的导火索和真正的罪魁祸首。但人们经常将 systemic risk
        与 systematic risk 混为一谈。陈教授的这篇文章将探讨两种风险之间的区别,以及系统性风险(systemic risk)在中国的

        Systemic risk is a relatively new concept and was considered as a key contributor and the real culprit to the 2008 financial crisis. People
        often confuse systemic risk with systematic risk. This article from Professor Chen will address the differences between the two types
        of risks,  characteristics and management of systemic risk in China.

        系统性风险是什么风险?它的提出有什么意义?中国的金                                 What  are  systemic  risk  and  its  implication?  What  are  the
        融系统性风险有什么特点?                                              characteristics of the systemic risk in China’s financial system?

        一. 系统性风险不是金融危机,也不能够简单等同于金融                                1. The systemic risk is neither a financial crisis, nor it can be
        危机的可能性                                                    simply equivalent with the possibility of a financial crisis.

        系统性风险是从巴塞尔协议舶来的现代风险管理概念之一。                                Systemic risk is one of the modern risk management concepts
        其真正的内涵即便是对专业人士而言也需要一番斟酌来加                                 embedded in the Basel Accord. There are two forms of risk:
        以明确。最容易导致困惑和误区的就是我们现在有两个从                                 Systematic Risk and Systemic Risk. The two forms of risk have
        西方舶来的中文名称相同但英文不同的“系统性风险”:                                 fundamentally  different  meanings  and  are  two  different
        Systematic Risk 和 Systemic Risk。许多人将两者混为一谈,               concepts developed in financial risk management history.
        历史阶段按照完全不同的风险逻辑产生的两个概念。                                   The former is from the perspective of micro-investors to see
                                                                  the impacts of macro factors. The systematic risk is the overall
        前者是站在微观投资者的视角看宏观对微观的影响,是                                  and pervasive risk caused by a variety of troubling factors. In
        “覆巢之下无完卵”的风险,在马科维茨的组合管理理论                                 Markowitz's  theory  of  portfolio  management,  it  refers  to
        中是指不能够多样化分散的风险,主要是通过定价覆盖或                                 undiversifiable risk that can be mitigated only through the risk-
        对冲转移来加以管理。而后者,也就是自2008年金融危机                               based pricing or hedging. The latter refers to the micro-impact
        以来我们关注得最多的“系统性风险”,是指站在宏观的                                 on the macro from the perspective of macro management and
        视角看微观对宏观的影响,是“一粒老鼠屎搞坏一锅粥”                                 describes an event that can spark a major collapse in a specific
        的风险,是“大家齐步过桥”的“共振”风险,是“火烧                                 industry or the broader economy, which is the risk implied by
        连营”的“关联”和“传染”风险。在这个系统性风险的                                 the 2008 financial crisis.  Under the concept of systemic risk,
        概念下,我们仍然关注的是微观的行为,治理的也是微观                                 we  are  concerned  with  the  micro-behavior  and  the
        的行为。管理的主要方法是通过提出“系统性重要性机构”                                corresponding governance is also at the micro level. The main
        来关注谁可能会成为那粒“老鼠屎”,通过“系统重要性                                 approach to addressing systemic risk is to identify the source
        业务”来关注“连营”被“火烧”的风险,通过“逆周期                                 (i.e., too big to fail) through proposing systemically important
        资本要求”来调节大家对经济周期共同预期带来的“亲周                                 financial institutions (SIFI), and to attenuate cascading failure
        期”的“共振”风险。                                                arising from procyclicality and from the interconnectedness of
                                                                  the  financial  institutions  during  the  economic  cycle  through
                                                                  promoting countercyclical capital buffer.

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   MARCH 2021
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