Page 41 - CCFA Journal - Third Issue
P. 41
风控大讲堂 Risk Management Forum 加中金融
2.2 内部模型法 2.2 Internal Model Approach (IMA)
内部模型包括以下三个方面: Internal model approach includes three parts, i.e.,
期望损失和流动性展期 (ES + LH) Expected shortfall with liquidity horizon (ES + LH)
不可建模风险因素 (NMRF) Non-modellable risk factor (NMRF)
违约风险资本(DRC) Default risk charge (DRC)
Expected shortfall captures tail risk that current VaR misses, see
期望损失考虑到了现行的在险价值(VaR)存在的遗漏, illustration below. It also considers different trading liquidity
详见下图。它也对不同的风险因子赋予了不同的流动性展 horizons for various risk factors. For example, credit spread risk
期。例如,投资级的公司债流动性展期从 10 天上升到了 for investment grade corporate horizons goes to 40 days from
40 天。 the current 10 days.
对某些风险因素,可观测到的市场数据是有限的,产品的 Non-modellable risk factor (NMRF) recognizes limited
市场流动性不足,交易平台不稳定。不可建模风险因素识 observable market data for some risk factors which are deemed
别了这些不适用于建模的风险因素。 not suitable for modelling.
Default risk capital (DRC) determines the capital requirement
违约风险资本是指与企业债券和股票违约风险相关的资本 associated with default risk for credit and equity. DRC also
要求。而且违约风险资本专门关注违约风险。它不把迁移 focuses exclusively on default risk, while longer liquidity
风险考虑进去,这是因为在期望损失中较长的流动性展期 horizons used in ES allow it to incorporate migration risk
已经把迁移风险包含了进去。 already.
通过在交易层面批准内部模型法,巴塞尔 FRTB 加强了对 Basel FRTB enhances the model approval process by granting
模型的审批流程。对交易层面的内部模型法必须通过两个 IMA at the level of trading desks. A trading desk’s internal
测试,即损益归因(PLA)和回测(BT)。 model must pass two tests, i.e., profit and loss attribution (PLA)
and backtesting (BT).
图 3: 在险价值和期望损失之间的对比
Figure 3: VaR and Expected Shortfall (ES) Comparison
三.FRTB 的影响 3. FRTB Impact
FRTB 的推出不仅将影响银行的风险权重资产及其产品开 FRTB rollout will not only impact the bank's RWA and its
发战略,还将影响其与数字化转型相关的IT基础设施。此 strategy to product development, but also its IT infrastructure
linked to digitalization transformation. In addition, trading
外,由于 FRTB 的资本要求,某些全球市场的交易流动性 liquidity of certain global markets will inevitably be impacted
due to FRTB capital requirement. We will discuss these
perspectives in the following sessions.
3.1 FRTB 对风险权重资产的影响
3.1 FRTB impact to RWA
根据 2017 年 12 月做的巴塞尔影响分析,与巴塞尔 2.5 框
架相比,修订后的 FRTB 框架预计会带来银行风险权重资 Based on Basel impact analysis in December 2017, compared
产的增长。如下表所示,中位数增长 16%,加权平均增长 with the Basel 2.5 framework, the amended FRTB framework
22%。此外,对于只使用标准法的银行,中位数增长 40%, is estimated to result in a median increase of 16% and a
weighted average increase of 22% as shown in table below.
加权平均增长 30%。与之相对比,使用内部模型法的银行,
中位数增长了 5%,加权平均增长 20%。 Furthermore, The expected impact on banks that exclusively
use the standardized approach is a 40% increase for the median
bank and a 30% increase on a weighted average basis, while the
expected impact on banks that use the internal models approach
is a 5% increase for the median bank and a 20% increase on a
weighted average basis.
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