Page 45 - CCFA Journal - Third Issue
P. 45

风控大讲堂 Risk Management Forum                      加中金融

        在专业的风险语言体系里,系统性风险显然不等于金融危                                 Systemic risk is obviously not equal to the financial crisis and
        机,系统性风险在远离金融危机时也是存在的,也是需要                                 exists even far before a financial crisis. It needs to be managed.
        管理的。而在通俗的说法中,风险往往成为损失、问题和                                 Risk is often referring to losses, problems and crises, and they
        危机的时髦代名词,两种往往交替使用。其实专业的风险                                 are often used interchangeably. In fact, risk refers to the state
        用法是指损失、问题和危机发生以前的状态,即其可能性。                                or likelihood before losses, problems and crises occur.
        这是在讨论系统性风险问题时起码需要具备的前提知识。                                 Is systemic risk equivalent to the likelihood of a financial crisis?
                                                                  This is indeed what many people, including professionals, have
        系统性风险等同于金融危机的可能性吗?这的确是很多人                                 adopted. Since the Great Depression of the 1930s, there have
        包括专业人士在内都采用的说法。其实,关于金融危机的                                 been many studies, but the term systemic risk is rarely used,
        可能性,自上个世纪30年代大危机后,各类研究就已经很                                and a closer concept used is "risk contagion".
        多,但很少采用系统性风险这一说法,比较接近的一个概                                 Systemic  risk  as  a  relatively  new  concept,  became  popular
        念也只是“风险传染”(Risk Contagion)。                               since the 2008 financial crisis. It is different from traditional

        系统性风险作为一个相对比较新的概念,主要是自2008年                               study of the financial crisis. One of the biggest differences is
        金融危机以后进入大众视野的概念,与传统的金融危机研                                 that the traditional research on the financial crisis is generally
        究是有所区别的。其中最大的区别就是,传统的金融危机                                 based on the evolution of financial markets and systems, while
        研究一般是基于金融市场和金融制度的演变开展的研究,                                 research  on  systemic  risk  is  based  on  the  perspective  and
        但系统性风险是基于现代金融风险管理视角和思维开展研                                 thinking of modern financial risk management. Systemic risk is
        究,是现代金融风险管理发展到一定阶段为了解决其自身                                 a new concept under the modern financial risk management.
        的局限性而进一步发展产生的新概念,是现代风险管理最                                 Therefore, to get a better understanding of systemic risk, we
        新发展阶段的代表。                                                 must  first  understand  the  evolution  of  financial  risk
        风险管理的发展演变。不幸的是,目前,很多人却忽略了                                 2.  The  conceptualization  of  systemic  risk  is  the  outcome  of
        这一点。这可能是由于现代金融机构风险管理学科发展仍                                 evolving modern financial risk management
        的金融风险管理语言基础和思维模式,很多人使用和分析                                 The  essence  of  finance  is  risk-taking  and  management.
        系统性风险仍然基本上沿用了传统金融危机的思路和方法,                                Therefore,  the  basic  ideas  and  practices  of  modern  risk
        这让“系统性风险”这一新兴的风险管理概念成为“金融                                 management are also embedded in the development process
        危机可能性”的时髦代名词,失去了它应有的意义。                                   of modern financial theory and practice.
                                                                  The modern financial theory started from the 50's and 60's,
        理发展的结果                                                    including  the  portfolio  management  with  multiple  assets  to
                                                                  diversify  risks  and  the  capital  asset  pricing  theory  to
        金融的本质就是风险承担和管理。因此,现代风险管理的                                 compensate for risk taken.
        基本理念和做法也反映在现代金融理论和实践的发展过程                                 Derivatives were developed rapidly in the 1970s and 1980s,
        之中。                                                       and  risk  management  entered  into  the  hedging  era.  At  this
                                                                  stage, however, risk management remains largely at the front
        五六十年代标志着现代金融理论起步发展的是多样化分散                                 office trading and portfolio investment manager's perspective,
        风险的组合管理和通过定价对风险承担进行补偿的资本资                                 with  the  appearance  of  "financial  engineering",  known  as
        产定价理论,由此,组合分散和定价补偿(覆盖)成为现                                 trader's Risk Management.
                                                                  In the 1990s, modern risk measurement such as VaR and Basel-
        七八十年代衍生产品迅速发展,风险管理进入对冲时代。                                 driven capital management greatly promoted enterprise risk
        然而,到这个阶段,风险管理主要还是停留在前台交易和                                 management of financial institutions. VaR was known as the
        组合投资经理视角的阶段,以“金融工程”的面貌出现,                                 start of a "risk management revolution" from the transaction
        被 称 为 “ 交 易 员 的 风 险 管 理 ( Trader ’ s  Risk                level to the enterprise level. Risk management thus entered to
        Management)”。                                             the development phase of Corporate Risk Management.

        进入九十年代,以 VaR 为代表的现代风险计量和巴塞尔协                              A question was then raised:  Would there be no risks in the
        议推动的资本管理开始极大促进了金融机构整体视角下的                                 entire financial system if individual financial institutions well
        风险管理,即所谓全面风险管理,VaR 也由此被称为启动                               manage their own risks? In fact, the financial crisis has revealed
        了一场由交易层面到机构整体层面的“风险管理革命”。                                 that  the risk management  of individual financial  institutions
        风险管理由此进入“公司的风险管理(Corporate  Risk                          sometimes  actually  increases  system-wide  correlations.  For
        Management)”的发展阶段。                                        example, derivatives (especially credit derivatives, which have
                                                                  grown rapidly since the 1990s) and asset securitisation appear
        但继续往前,风险管理面临一个问题,单个金融机构风险                                 to hedge and  transfer risks carried by individual institutions,
        管理管好了,整个金融体系就没有风险了吗?事实上,金                                 but  actually  amplify  systemic  correlations.  The  optimistic
        融危机表明,“各人自扫门前雪”的单个金融机构风险管                                 expectations  during  the  expansion  phase  of  the  economic
        理有时候会加大整个系统的关联,如各类衍生产品(尤其                                 cycle  would  generally  lower  capital  requirements  and  risk
        是九十年代开始迅速发展的信用衍生产品)和资产证券化,                                management  standards,  while  as  opposed  to  the  economic
        尽管从个体机构看似对冲和转移了风险,但是加大了系统                                 recession, this pro-economic cycle phenomenon will make the
        性关联。大家在经济周期上升阶段普遍的乐观预期会让资                                 financial system more vulnerable.

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