Page 47 - CCFA Journal - Third Issue
P. 47

风控大讲堂 Risk Management Forum                      加中金融

       (二)  系统性风险的管理和监管思维共同服务于金融危                               (2)  Systemic  risk  management  and  supervisory  work  together
       机防范                                                      with financial crisis prevention

       由于系统性风险是站在宏观的视角看待微观的问题,系统                                Because  systemic  risk  management  is  to  look  at  problems  at
       性风险监管是由政府监管部门以宏观审慎监管和微观审慎                                micro  levels from  a macro  perspective,  its supervision is often
       监管的方式在推进,很多人在系统性风险问题上基本上都                                promoted by government regulators in the form of both macro
       是系统性风险监管思维,似乎系统性风险只是一个由监管                                and micro prudential supervisions. Many people would think that
       部门负责思考的问题,而金融机构和市场参与者只要照着                                systemic risk management is only a matter of regulators’ business;
       做,做好合规管理即可。                                              financial institutions and market participants are only required to
                                                                be compliant with the regulations.
        其实不然。系统性风险也是一个管理问题,系统性风险管                               As  a  natural  extension  of  the  risk  management  of  financial
       理思维同样重要。对金融机构而言,系统性风险管理思维                                institutions, the management of systemic risk  is a requirement of
       是金融机构风险管理发展的自然延伸,是监管合规的需要,                               not  only  regulatory  compliance,  but  also    operational
       也是运行环境分析的需要,更应该是战略管理的需要。                                 environmental analysis, and strategic management.

        在系统性风险管理思维下,系统性风险和信用、市场、操                               Systemic risk, like credit, market, operational and liquidity risks,
       作和流动性风险一样,也是金融机构日常要面临的金融风                                is one  type of financial  risks (not financial crisis) that financial
       险(不是金融危机),因而也要加强从识别到衡量再到应                                institutions face everyday, so it is necessary to manage it through
       对(包括合规)及持续监测的风险管理全流程管理。只不                                a  full  cycle  of  processes  from  identification,  measurement  to
       过它不同于前述单一的风险因子,它是覆盖所有风险因子                                response (including compliance) and ongoing monitoring. Unlike
       的风险环境,尤其强调关注金融机构自身以及市场其他参                                other single risk factors, it is a risk environment that covers all risk
       与者对这一风险环境的影响和相互作用,还有监管的相关                                factors,  impacts  and  interactions  of  financial  institutions  and
       反应和要求。                                                   market participants, and regulatory responses and requirements.

       由于系统性风险是从现代金融机构风险管理思维的基础上                                Because  systemic  risk  management  is  developed  from  the
       发展而来,它既具有金融机构个体管理风险的思维,又具                                modern risk management within financial institutions, it has the
       有自身“系统性风险”特色的管理思维。前者包括风险计                                contents of risk management of individual financial institution,
       量思维、风险交易转移和配置思维(尤其是把风险配置到                                and has its own "systemic risk" characteristics. The former refers
                                                                to the enterpriser risk management including risk measurement,
       有能力承担且有意愿承担的机构和个人,从而达到一个所                                transfer and allocation, capital management and supervision, risk
       谓的系统性风险比较低的理想状态)、资本管理和监管思                                governance culture and strategy. The latter includes a long-term
       维、风险治理文化和战略等全面风险管理思维;后者所指                                thinking  of  vertical  interconnectivity  and  horizontal  cycles,
       的系统性风险管理思维包括纵向周期性的长期性思维、横                                relationship of individuals with the overall system, and strategic
       向关联性的全局性思维、个体与整体的关系思维以及战略                                development.
                                                                The thinking of systemic risk management is also necessary for
        系统性风险管理思维对于政府监管部门也是很有必要的。                               regulators.  This  is  the  foundation  of  regulations  and  also  the
       这应该是监管思维的基础和监管有效性的保障,因为金融                                assurance  of  regulatory  effectiveness,  because  the  financial
       监管本质上是金融机构的外部风险管理者。一方面监管部                                regulator  is  essentially  the  external  risk  manager  of  financial
       门的系统性风险监管政策的制定要充分考虑金融机构微观                                institutions. On the one hand, the regulatory authorities should
       风险管理机制的运行;另一方面监管部门不仅要要求金融                                ensure  that  regulations  for  systemic  risk  enable  operations  of
       机构合规,更要鼓励和要求金融机构主动地开展系统性风                                micro risk management framework in the financial institutions,
       险管理。                                                     and  should  also  encourage  financial  institutions  to  proactively
                                                                manage systemic risk, beside compliance with the regulations.

                                                                4. The characteristics of systemic risk in China's financial system
                                                                (1) China's systemic risk has trending of upward concentration

       (一)中国的系统性风险具有向上集中的特点                                     Compared  with  the typical  market  economy countries,  China's
                                                                systemic risk has the characteristics of upward concentration. In
        与典型的市场经济国家相比,中国的系统性风险具有向上                               a  typical  market  economy,  the  risk  is  diversified  to  market
       集中的特点。典型的市场经济都是通过成熟的破产制度和                                participants through the matured bankruptcy system and non-
       金融市场上非刚性兑付投资安排,把风险分散到个体去承                                rigid  payment  arrangements  in  financial  markets,  taken  by
       担,以参与者自身的资本金兜底。企业、个人、银行乃至                                market  participants.    All  participants  including  enterprises,
       于政府都可以宣布破产,破产制度实际上是一种在全社会                                individuals, banks and even governments can declare bankruptcy,
       分散风险的制度安排。                                               and the bankruptcy system is actually a  kind of risk-dispersing
                                                                system (transfer risk to the whole society).
                                                                However, because of China’s social system, history and culture,
                                                                the  risk  is  often  to  concentrate  upwards.  Asset    management
       方政府融资平台实际上充当的是一种政府融资担保的角色,                               tends to  have a rigid payment system, small and medium-sized
                                                                banks have local government as guarantors, and large banks have
       国有企业陷入财务困境甚至成为“僵尸企业”也难以破产。                               national credit support. Local government financing platform is
                                                                actually acting as a government financing guarantor. When state-
                                                                owned  enterprises  become  insolvent  and  even  "zombie
       风险不应该由自己承担,往往会推卸给国家。这是中国向                                enterprises" they won’t declare bankruptcy. In this case, the risk
       市场经济转型发展过程中需要亟待解决的一个问题。                                  must be concentrated upwards. Therefore, China's systemic risk
                                                                is mainly taken by the government. This is a problem that must
                                                                be  solved  during  the  process  of  China's  transition  to  market

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