Page 43 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 43


    受益于疫情控制得当,三季度中国产能利用率大幅回升至                                     Benefiting from the proper control of the pandemic, China’s capacity
    76.7%,已接近疫情前水平,而印尼/澳大利亚产能利用率仍处                                utilization rate rose sharply to 76.7% in the third quarter, which is
    在 2015 年以来的中位数以下。从日韩编制的产能利用率指数来                               close to the pre-pandemic level, while Indonesia/Australia’s capacity
                                                                  utilization rate is still below the median since 2015. Judging from the
    看,韩国供给恢复情况较好,但日本供给景气仍处在五年以来                                   capacity utilization index compiled by Japan and South Korea, South
                                                                  Korea’s supply recovery is relatively good, but Japan's supply boom
                                                                  is still at a relatively low level in five years.
    RCEP 协议的签署,可以把中国制造业的供给优势,进一步释
    放到合作区域,从而带来双赢的局面。RCEP 的签署也提供了
    新的机遇,将提振国内进出口贸易和外商投资增长进一步加速。                                  The signing of the RCEP agreement can further release the supply
    在贸易方面,今年 1-10 月,中国与东盟贸易总额达到了 4573.2                           advantages of China’s manufacturing industry to its regional partners;
    亿美元,而欧盟为 4372.4 亿美元,东盟首次超越欧盟成为中国                              a  win-win  situation.  The  signing  of  RCEP  also  provides  new
    第一大贸易伙伴。以东盟为核心的 RCEP 在中国进出口中的占                                opportunities, which will boost domestic import and export trade and
                                                                  further accelerate the growth of foreign investment. In terms of trade,
    比持续走高,RCEP 成员经济体已成为中国进出口贸易的重要                                 from January to October this year, the total trade volume between
    对象,今年 1-10 月中国与 RCEP 成员国的贸易额达到了 9943.6                        China  and  ASEAN  reached  457.32  billion  U.S.  dollars,  while
    亿美元。通过对出口增速进行拆分,可以发现 RCEP 是中国近                                between China and the EU was 437.24 billion U.S. dollars. For the
    两年出口增长的主要贡献力量。未来随着 RCEP 协议正式生效,                               first  time,  ASEAN  surpassed  the  EU  to  become  China’s  largest
    进出口贸易增长有望延续,将为中国经济复苏和未来增长提供                                   trading partner. The proportion of RCEP with ASEAN as the core in
    中长期支撑。                                                        China’s  imports  and  exports  continues  to  rise.  RCEP  member
                                                                  economies  have  become  an  important  target  market  for  China’s
                                                                  import and export trades. From January to October this year, the trade
                                                                  volume  between  China  and  RCEP  members  reached  US$994.36
                                                                  billion. By separating the export growth rate, we find that RCEP is
                                                                  the main contributor to China’s export growth in the past two years.
                                                                  The  future  growth  of  import  and  exports  between  nations  in  the
                                                                  RCEP is expected, and will provide medium and long-term support
                                                                  for China’s and its partners’ economic recovery and growth.

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   DECEMBER 2020
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