Page 42 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 42
2001 年年末,中国加入世贸组织,随着中国商品在国际市场话 China joined the WTO at the end of 2001. Over the next few years,
语权的逐步增强,国内商品出口金额逐年攀升,其在全球的占 the presence of Chinese goods in the international market increased
比持续走高。但是可以看到,国内自 2012 年以后,随着货物出 significantly year by year. However, this growth has slowed since
2012. This is due to both the decline in China’s economic growth and
口量级的增长,每年的贸易增速出现了从两位数增长跌落到单 the gradual deterioration of the Sino-US trade situation in the last few
位数或者负增长的状态,这其中既有中国经济增速有所下降的 years. The signing of the RCEP will be the beginning of a new pattern
原因,也因为近几年中美贸易状况的逐步恶化。此次 RCEP 的 of global trade, which will gradually transfer the baton of rapid global
签订,将成为全球贸易新格局的开端,使得全球贸易快速增长 trade growth to Southeastern Asia and other countries.
The entire agreement of RCEP mainly revolves around 20 clauses. In
从 RCEP 的条款来看,整个协定主要涉及 20 个条款。货物贸易 terms of the trade in goods, after the agreement takes effect, more
方面,协定生效后区域内 90%以上的货物贸易将最终实现零关 than 90% of the goods traded in the region will eventually have zero
税,且主要是立刻降税到零和 10 年内降税到零。服务贸易方面, tariffs, which would either be reduced to zero immediately or within
10 years. In terms of services, China adopts a list of commitments
中国采用正面清单承诺,并将于协定生效后 6 年内转化为负面 which it will check off within 6 years after the agreement comes into
清单,服务贸易开放承诺达到了已有自贸协定的最高水平。投 effect. In terms of investment, all 15 parties adopted the negative list
资方面,15 方均采用负面清单方式,对制造业、农业、林业、 framework and made high-level openness commitments for
渔业、采矿业 5 个非服务业领域投资作出较高水平开放承诺。 investment in the five non-service sectors: manufacturing, agriculture,
同时,协定纳入了知识产权、电子商务、竞争、政府采购、中 forestry, fishery, and mining. At the same time, the agreement
小企业、经济技术合作等议题。 includes topics such as intellectual property, e-commerce,
competition, government procurement, small and medium-sized
2019 年中国与 14 位协定成员的贸易额总计 9.85 万亿元,占中 enterprises, and economic and technological cooperation.
国对外贸易总额 31.2%,对其出口额总计 4.6 万亿元,占比
26.7%,进口额总计 5.25 万亿元,占比 36.7%。2020 年 1 至 9 In 2019, China’s trade volume with the 14 agreement members
totaled 9.85 trillion yuan, accounting for 31.2% of China’s total
月,中国与其他 RCEP 成员贸易总额已达 10550 亿美元,已占 foreign trade. Its exports and imports totaled 4.6 trillion yuan and
中国对外贸易总额的三分之一。2018 年中国对 14 国的投资总 5.25 trillion yuan, accounting for 26.7% and 36.7% of that foreign
额达 160 亿美元,14 国在中国的投资总额达 140 亿美元。分地 trade volume, respectively. From January to September 2020,
区与国家来看,出口方面,2019 年,东盟占中国出口总额的 China’s total trade with other RCEP members has reached US$1,055
14.4%,呈现逐年上涨趋势。日本占中国出口总额的 5.7%,呈 billion, accounting for one third of China’s total foreign trade. In
逐年下降趋势。韩国与澳大利亚分别占中国出口总额的 4.4%和 2018, China’s total investment in 14 countries reached US$16 billion,
1.9%。进口方面,2019 年,东盟占中国进口总额的 13.6%,呈 and the total investment of 14 countries in China reached US$14
逐年上涨趋势。日本与韩国分别占中国进口总额的 8.4%、8.3%, billion. In terms of exports by region and country, ASEAN accounted
for 14.4% of China’s total exports in 2019, showing an upward trend
相对稳定,澳大利亚占中国进口总额的 5.8%,呈现逐年上涨趋 year over year. Japan accounts for 5.7% of China’s total exports,
势。今年前三季度,中国与东盟贸易额达 4818.1 亿美元,同比 showing a downward trend year over year. South Korea and Australia
增长 5%,东盟历史性地成为中国第一大贸易伙伴,中国对东 accounted for 4.4% and 1.9% of China’s total exports respectively.
盟投资同比增长 76.6%。 In terms of imports, ASEAN accounted for 13.6% of China’s total
imports in 2019, showing an upward trend year over year. Japan and
South Korea accounted for 8.4% and 8.3% of China's total imports
respectively, which were relatively stable. Australia accounted for
5.8% of China's total imports, showing an upward trend year over
year. In the first three quarters of this year, China-ASEAN trade
volume reached US$481.81 billion, a 5% increase year over year.
ASEAN has now officially become China’s largest trading partner,
and China’s investment in ASEAN increased by 76.6% year over
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