Page 41 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 41


    推动社会进步的一个重要原因是社会分工。小至家庭内部的分                                   An  important  reason  for  promoting  social  progress  is  the
    工,企业内部门的分工,大至整个国家内部的分工,让擅长的                                   division of labor. From the division of labor within a single
    人专注自己细分领域,让优势资源充分发挥自身作用,这样社                                   family to the extent of the division of labor within a country,
    会生产的效率就会大幅度提高。而国家与国家之间的界限是最                                   let  the  capital  and  labour  resources  focus  on  their  existing
    难打破的,这道界限就是关税。站在整体的角度看,关税阻碍                                   advantages  to  maximize  the  efficiency  of  social  production
    了一项资源的最优配置。要打破关税壁垒对资源造成的浪费,                                   improvements. The boundary between countries – in the form
    特别是面临全球经济下行,在各国只靠内部资源都不可幸免的                                   of  tariffs  –  is  more  difficult  to  break.  From  a  holistic
    关头,组建国际区域的关税联盟,是最有效的一个选项。关税                                   perspective,  tariffs  hinder  optimal  resource  allocations.
    联盟的成员国之间,绝大部分商品都实现零关税。                                        Therefore, the formation of an international regional free trade
                                                                  zone  is  the  most  effective  option  of  breaking  down  this
    根据国家发改委数据,中国已与 137 个国家和 30 个国际组织签                             inefficiency.
    署了 197 份共建“一带一路”合作项目,RCEP 中诸多成员国
                                                                  According to data from the National Development and Reform
    也是“海上丝路”的共建国家。因此,RCEP 作为“一带一路”
    倡议大框架下最大的一体化组织,也将对推动“一带一路”倡                                   Commission, China has signed 197 cooperative projects for the
    议的深入实现发挥重要作用,促进更高级别的开放,对全球贸                                   joint  construction  of  the  “One  Belt  One  Road”  with  137
    易体系产生更为深远的影响。                                                 countries  and  30  international  organizations.  Many  member
                                                                  states of RCEP are also partner nations of the “Maritime Silk
                                                                  Road”. Therefore, RCEP, as the largest integrated organization
                                                                  under the framework of the “One Belt One Road” initiative,
                                                                  will  also  play  an  important  role  in  promoting  the  in-depth
                                                                  realization  of  the  “One  Belt  One  Road”  initiative,  and  as a
                                                                  result, promote a higher level of openness which would have a
                                                                  profound impact on the global trading system.

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   DECEMBER 2020
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