Page 36 - CCFA Journal - Sixth Issue
P. 36

Market 市场分析                                      加中金融

               Figure 4. XIU Skew, 1-Month Options, 1 Month (red), 3 Month (green), 1 Year (magenta), 2 Years (blue) Ago  Source: Bloomberg

    The difference should be readily apparent.  The skew in SPY   差异应该是显而易见的。SPY 的 Skew 曲线有着典型的
    has the classic “Elvis smile.”   That is option trader lingo for an   “猫王微笑”。这是期权交易者的行话,指在行使价低
    asymmetric  curve  that  is  steeper  for  below  market  options   于市价时比高于市价时更陡的不对称曲线,最低点出现
    than for above market strikes, with a low point at or near the   在平价或接近平价的时候。相比之下,XIU 的 Skew 曲线
    money.    In  contrast,  the  skew  in  XIU  is  generally  flatter,   通常更为平缓,尤其是对高于市价但隐含波动率与平价
    particularly for above market options that have essentially the   期权基本相同的期权而言。
    same implied volatilities as at-money options.
    It is one thing to notice a pattern, another to explain it.  One   外一回事了。有人可能会断言交易加拿大期权的人没有
    could assert that those who trade Canadian equity options are   交易美国期权的人那么投机。我是完全无法认同这种观
    less  speculatively  inclined  than  their  North  American
    counterparts.   I wholeheartedly dismiss that idea, as it would   点的,因为这就好像在说美加这两个非常相似的邻国其
    imply significant psychological and/or sociological differences   国民之间存在着巨大的心理学和社会学差异。在我看来,
    between the citizenry of two similar, neighboring countries.    加拿大期权 Skew 曲线较平缓很大程度上是因为加拿大
    Instead, I attribute the flat skew to the immense popularity of   ETF 非常喜欢采用备兑策略(buy-write)。
    Canadian ETFs that employ buy-write strategies.
                                                                  让我们来看一下蒙特利尔银行管理的两只最热门的 ETF。
    Let’s focus on two of the most popular ETFs managed by Bank   BMO Covered Call Canadian Banks ETF (ZWB)资产规模
    of Montreal.  ZWB, the BMO Covered Call Canadian Banks ETF,   接近 20 亿美元。另一只产品 BMO Canadian High Dividend
    has just under $2 billion in assets.  Its stablemate ZWC, the   Covered Call ETF(ZWC)资产规模为 10 亿美元。这就意
    BMO Canadian High Dividend Covered Call ETF, has another $1   味着有近 30 亿美元的资金被专门用来持续地卖出看涨期
    billion.  That means there are nearly $3 billion committed to   权对冲核心仓位 。因为知道每个月都不停地会有大量的
    funds  that  are  dedicated  to  continually  writing  calls against   卖家进入市场,交易台会对高于市价的看涨期权进行折
    their  core  positions  10  .  The  trading  desks  discount  above   价。
    market call options, knowing that there are sizable, relentless,
    contractually  committed  sellers  who  come  to  market  each   另一个因素就是构成 XIU 和 SPY 底层指数的股票的类型。
    month.                                                        深受买看涨期权的投机客们喜爱的超大盘科技股在标普
                                                                  500 指数中的权重约为 25%。与此同时,占 ZWB 全部以
    Another factor is the type of stocks that make up the indices
    that underlie XIU and SPY.  Mega-cap tech stocks, which are   及占 ZWC 相当一部分的银行股在标普 TSX60 指数中所占
    adored by call-buying speculators, make up about 25% of the   权重约为 25%。这些重点板块其波动率情况可谓大相径
    S&P 500 Index’ weight.   Meanwhile, the banks that comprise   庭,其中部分就体现在了 XIU和 SPY的 Skew曲线之中。
    the entirety of ZWB and a significant percentage of ZWC are   但这不仅仅是说银行股的 Skew 曲线比高价科技股的平。
    about 25% of the S&P/TSX 60 Index.  Those key sectors have    要知道,加拿大银行的 Skew 曲线也比美国银行的更平。
    vastly different volatility dynamics, some of which is reflected   让我们对比一下 Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund(XLF)
    in the skews of XIU and SPY.
                                                                  和 iShares S&P/TSX Capped Financials Index ETF(XFN)
    But it is more than just the fact that banks tend to have flatter   的 Skew 曲线图:
    skews  than  high-flying  tech  stocks.    Canadian  banks  have  a
    flatter skew than their US counterparts.  Compare the skews
    for XLF, the Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund, and XFN, the
    iShares S&P/TSX Capped Financials Index ETF, as shown in the
    graphs below:

    10  This is not intended to single out or pick on BMO.  These ETFs   11  此处并不旨在挑出或选择 BMO。这些 ETF 之所以被列出来重
    were highlighted because of their size and success.           点说明是由于其规模和成就
                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   February 2022
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