Page 17 - Tegra Employee Handbook_2020_FINAL_English
P. 17
For payroll purposes, the work week is defined as Saturday
through Friday. Tegra employees are paid every two weeks. Payday
is the Friday following the end of the pay period. Normal work
hours for full time employees are forty hours per week. Working
hours will be scheduled by an employee’s manager. Rest periods
will be provided as required by applicable law. Various factors such
as workloads may require variations in an employee’s work hours,
including voluntary overtime. Please check with your manager or
Human Resources Representative for the specific work hours for
your department and/or location.
Employees are expected to be at work as scheduled and to arrange personal schedules
to accommodate established working hours. Managers should be notified as soon as
possible before the start of the workday if an employee expects to be absent or tardy.
Employees should follow the notification procedures for their specific location. The
Company reserves the right to request medical certification for any absences due to
the employee’s health. Excessive unexcused absenteeism and/or tardiness will not
be permitted and may result in discipline up to and including discharge. Production
facilities may adopt attendance policies based on the business needs of the location.
For purposes of salary administration and eligibility for overtime payments and
employee benefits, Tegra classifies its employees as follows:
Employees regularly scheduled to work 40 or more
FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES hours per workweek. Such Employees may be “exempt”
or “nonexempt” from overtime as defined below.
Employees regularly scheduled to work fewer than 40
PART-TIME EMPLOYEES hours per week. Such Employees may be “exempt” or
“nonexempt” from overtime as defined below.
Employees who are required to keep track of all hours
NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEES worked and be paid overtime under the Fair Labor
Standards Act (FLSA).
Employees who meet the exemption criteria for their
EXEMPT EMPLOYEES position and are not required to be paid overtime
in accordance with the FLSA and applicable state
wage laws for work performed beyond 40 hours in
a workweek. Executives, professional employees,
outside sales representatives, and certain employees
in administrative positions are examples of employees
who may be eligible for exempt status.
If your position changes during your employment as a result of a promotion, transfer, or
other action, you will be informed by your supervisor of any changes in your employment
classification and your exempt or non-exempt status.