Page 10 - Natures Witness Entomology
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                  orensic entomology is the application of the   revealed when blowflies flies swarmed on a single
                  scientific study of insects to criminal and civil   scythe coated with microscopic traces of blood.
            Finvestigations. Forensic entomology experts
             testify in court in many diverse cases ranging from   Entomology was also used in 1855 to solve a
             the origins of insects in food and termites in houses   murder in Paris. In this instance the body of an
             to murders and suspicious deaths.                   infant was found concealed behind the mantle in a
                                                                 house that had been plastered 5 years prior, thus
             In 13th century China Sung Tz’u, a traveling judge   preventing further insect contact after plastering.
             who investigated numerous murders, authored         Dr. Bergeret d’Arbois, a Swiss entomologist,
             a book about his cases. In one of his most          determined that the fly, Sarcophaga carnaria, had
             sensational cases Tz’u used the attraction of flies to   laid eggs which developed into maggots when the
             fresh blood to identify a murder suspect. The victim   corpse was fresh. Mites, which prefer to lay their
             in this case was murdered with a scythe, so Tz’u    eggs on a dried corpse, were also identified. He
             ordered all villagers to bring their scythes out for   estimated that this drying process would have
             inspection. The murder weapon and suspect were      taken at least a year, so the mites were dated

              10    THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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