Page 5 - Natures Witness Entomology
P. 5
hese notes are provided to assist in the RUNNING THE LAB
preparation and execution of the laboratory Each set of specimens contains six stages. The
Texperiments. A solutions key for the preand possible stages included are: egg, 1st instars, 2nd
post-lab questions can be found on pages 9 and 10, instars, 3rd instars feeding, 3rd instars migrating,
respectively. pre-pupae, and pupae.
Nature’s Witness is divided into three sections.
In the first part, students familiarize themselves
SUPPLIES with the morphology of each life stage of two
Species A Life Stages (3 sets of 6) species of fly. During this portion, students
Species B Life Stages (3 sets of 6) identify key characteristics and develop a
Evidence Collections (6 vials) system to separate the two species and six
life stages. Make certain that students are
coming up with objective identifying characters
(distinguishing features or attributes). Students
tend to devise relative characters, such as
‘bigger than 1st instars’ or ‘darker than larvae’.
OTHER SUPPLIES AND Encourage the use of absolute characters so that
EQUIPMENT REQUIRED identifications can be made without needing to
have other life stages available, as they may be
Forceps (12)
absent in a case.
Dissection microscopes or
hand lenses (6 12) In the second section of the lab, students use
Computer with MS Excel (one per group, the system (or taxonomic key) they developed
if available). See Notes in the next to identify samples of flies collected from
column for directions on downloading the the bodies of two victims. The lab procedure
spreadsheet. instructs students to add tick marks to a grid
on the board. You will need to draw these two
grids, one for each victim, on the board; use the