Page 7 - Natures Witness Entomology
P. 7



             Before conducting this laboratory exercise, the       DAY 3
             details of The Investigation should be shared
             with the class to provide the context of the crime.   Introduce the larvae collections from the
             Covering this material once should be sufficient for   decedents.
             all laboratory modules.
                                                                   Prepare the board so that students may
                                                                   record their findings to share with the class.
                                                                   A chart similar to the one on their data
               DAY 1                                               collection sheet is recommended.

               Cover the background material on forensic           Instruct students to follow the lab procedure
               entomology. Cover the Fly Life Stages sheet         for processing the larvae collections.
               with students.
                                                                   Ensure that students record all of their data
               Distribute lab procedures.                          onto the data collection sheet.
               Assign pre-lab questions as homework.

                                                                   DAY 4

               DAY 2
                                                                   The weather data can be downloaded from
               Prepare lab with dissection microscopes or          the website,, under
               hand lenses.                                        Supplemental Materials on the Forensic
                                                                   Entomology page. In a computer lab, analyze
               Instruct students to follow the lab procedure       the data using a spreadsheet program
               for identifying key characters to separate          by following the instructions in the lab
               individual larvae by species and life stage.        procedure. Alternately, this can be assigned as
               Ensure that students produce good notes on          homework for students with outside access to
               their characters.                                   computers.

                                                                          THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE     7
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