Page 8 - Natures Witness Entomology
P. 8



               Background                                         Procedure

             1.  What is the role of a forensic entomologist in   6.  What should you record on your Species
                 a homicide investigation?                          Separation sheet?
                 The forensic entomologist can determine the        Characters that are between two flies of
                 time of death if the bodies have already cooled    different species but the same life stage.
                 to the ambient temperature.

                                                                7.  How many individuals from the sample
             2.   Why are insects important when determining        collected from the decedent will you identify?
                 post mortem interval (PMI)?                        Ten
                 If the body is exposed, the predictable
                 growth rates of many insects can be used to
                 determine the post mortem interval.            8.  How will you determine the species and life
                                                                    stage of these individuals?
             3.  What is an instar?                                 You will use the characters identified and
                 An instar is a larval growth stage characterized   written on the Species Separation sheet, as
                 by the larvae shedding a smaller cuticle and       well as those on the Fly Life stage chart.
                 forming a larger one.

             4.  What are some factors that may delay fly
                 If the decedent is located in an enclosed area
                 inaccessible to flies, or if the decedent died
                 during night-time or during a cold period, flies
                 will not lay eggs immediately.

             5.  Flies develop at predictable rates. What
                 measure is used to make this prediction?
                 Degree-hours, degree-days, or another
                 measure of temperature-time.

               8    THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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