Page 4 - Natures Witness Entomology
P. 4
Introduction to
Nature’s Witness
elcome to Nature’s Witness, a forensic stages and species. They will then use this key
entomology lab in the Mystery of Lyle and to identify maggots collected from the bodies
WLouise. A brutal murder case is unfolding of the two victims. Finally, students will use
in a small Appalachian town. Already the case known insect life-cycle information and National
spans two crime scenes and five people are dead. Weather Service data to estimate a time of death
When investigators discovered the second crime for each victim.
scene — a fishing cabin exposed to the summer
heat — they found two rapidly decaying bodies, for Once the lab results have been analyzed, students
which pathological time of death estimates were may conduct a mock trial combining information
useless. They must now rely on the predictability of from this investigation and any other laboratory
insects to determine when the crime occurred. modules performed to hold a suspect accountable
for their actions.
In this lab, students will examine six life stages
from two species of flies. During their preliminary Teacher’s notes can be found at the beginning of
work they will need to develop a dichotomous the manual, and copies may be freely made of all
key that will separate maggots into separate life materials for your students.