P. 241
Completing the picture on the advance arta (Skt. artha, wealth), astamewa Third, in morphology some special as the latter term was commonly used
of Malaccaas presented in the (Skt. astam eva, special), daruhaka things appear: when the prefix /me- / for exalted figures. So also the word
Malay Annals is the Undang-Undang (Skt. drohaka, insubordinate), gebala meta voiced consonant, the consonant “ditanam” (lit. planted) was also still used
Malaka (Laws of Malacca). The text (Skt. gopala, shepherd), manusyia will disappear and be replaced by its to mean “dikuburkan” (buried). 22
contains a variety of governmental (Skt. manusyia, mankind), netiasa homorganic nasal: balas–memalas (to In addition to these two texts, pre-
regulations related to many aspects (Skt. nityasas, constant), periksya (Skt. respond) rather than membalas, belah– Classical Malay is also employed as the
of life ---social-political, religious and pariksa,check), perkasya (Skt.perkasa, memelah (to split), bicara–memicara (to language of narrative texts as evidenced
commercial--- set during the reign of brave), sanggeraha (Skt. samgraha, speak), buang- memuang (to waste), bythe Shellabear’s edition of the Hikayat
Sultan Muhammad Shah (1424-1444) studio) etc. dengar– menengar (to listen), junjung– Seri Rama (1917), Iskandar’s edition
and implemented more effectively by Second, loan words that etymologically menyunjung (to raise), bunuh–memunuh of the Hikayat Aceh (1958), Brakel’s
his successor, Sultan Muzaffar Shah have two consonants kept only one (to kill), bilang–memilang (to count), edition of the Hikayat Muhammad
(1445-1458). In fact, during the rain usingan emphasis (tashdid), for instance binasa –meminasakan (to destroy) etc. Hanafiah (1975), and the Hikayat Bayan
of a later ruler, Sultan Mahmud Shah / b. dd ./ --budi (Skt. buddhi, moral), / k. Thus, pre-classical Malay is the Budiman. 23
(1488-1511), special rules were also pp. l. / --kapal (Tamil: kappal, ship), / m language of texts composed in that
formulated for matters pertaining to . dd ./--muda (Skt. mudha, young), /s. period, and--after undergoing changes Consolidating a Lingua Franca:
marine trade, which was growing at that dd. h. / --sudah (Skt. suddha, finished), due to generations of readers’ constantly Development in Malay in the 16
time. 19 /s. kk . a / --suka (Skt. sukha, like). changing needs --- it had become and 17 Centuries
Back to the aspect of the Malay For schwa/ĕ/the letter alif was used: the language of the texts that were Following the fall of Malacca to the
language, concerning pre-classical baralahan (beralahan, alergic), jamu subsequently composed along with the Portuguese in 1511, the central of
Malay, Abdullah ---relying entirely on (jemu, bored),sabau (sebau,shoulder), development of the history of Islam in Islam and the Malay language shifted
Iskandar --- has done detailed research kakayaan (kekayaan, wealth). A Indonesia. Two copies of the famous to the Kingdom of Aceh. The center of
about some special features both in consonant after aschwa was doubled literary histories of the 15 century, commercial activities that was previously
speech and in writing. These features are by using an emphasis: /b. dd . l/ -bedil Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai and Sejarah based in Malacca had also moved to
as follows: (gun);not doubled /b. l . ddu/ -beledu Melayu are evidence of the use of pre-
(velvet), /b. rk. rr. t / -berkerat(slivery); classical Malay language. In addition Aceh, andencouraged the development
First, the sound /h/ at the beginning or /d . ngng . n/ -dengan (with); /m. m. rr ./ to having been written in Jawi script, of the region into a power house of
in the middle of a word was maintained: -memeri,(to give); /s. tt. y ./ -setia(loyal). both texts also still used pre-classical or commerce, politics and the development
harang (arang, charcoal), hurai (urai, Sounds /y/ and /w/ are doubled by using archaic Malay elements. For example, of Islam. Muslim traders migrated
disclose) hutak (otak, brain); tihang (tiang, an emphasis or the same letter is written the word “hilang” (lit. lost) in the meaning from Malacca to Aceh, and ---as is
pillar), tuha (tua,old), guha (gua, cave), twice: /a yy ./ - ia (he/she/it), /d yy ./ - of “to die” is still used, and it had not the case with Samudera Pasai and
samuha (semua, all) etc.Sanskritloan dia (he or she), /bww . h/ -buah(fruit), / yet been replaced by the expression Malacca--- they contributed to turning
words were written close to their original bww. ng / -buang(waste), /b. yy . k/ “berpulang ke rahmatullah” (lit. to Aceh into a leading trade center within
forms: anugeraha (Skt. anugraha, grace), -baik(good), /d. lww. r/ -di luar (outside). return to the Divine blessed-[abode]) the trading network of Asia. Mughayat
232 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 233