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AD) mentioned these poems as ruba’i,    years, ar-Raniri produced many works in               the Heretics); (7) al-Fath al-Mubin ‘ala   wrote mystical poems, but they are not
                                   namely a quatrain within two misra’. 30  various fields such as theology, Qur’an              al-Mulhidin (The Real Victory over the   very well known. Among his poems is the
                                                                           exegesis, hadith, Islamic law, and history,           Apostates); and several works that     Syair Ma‘rifa (Gnostic Poetry). His works
                                   Although not in the form of poetry,
                                   Shamsuddin al-Sumatrani wrote many      and others. He was thus known to have                 discuss various other issues.          are largely classified as belonging to the
                                   works, especially mystical treatises    beena highly productive scholar and                   Raniri’s efforts to introduce a new    book literature discussed here.
                                                                           around thirty works have attributed to
                                   that belong to bookliterature. Among    him, although not all of them were written            pattern of Islamic mysticism in the Malay   Linguistic Aspects of Book
                                   these arethe Mir’at al-Mu’minin (Mirror   during his seven years stay in Aceh.                Archipelago was subsequently continued   Literature
                                   of the faithful), Mir’at al-Iman (Mirror of                                                   by Abdurrauf al-Singkili (1024-1105/1615-
                                   faith), Zikarat al-Dairati qaba Qawsaini   Based on the available sources, at least           1693), whose full name is ‘Abd al-Ra’uf   In terms of language, the book literature
                                   aw Adna (Circle ofTwo Bows Lengthor     fifteen of ar-Raniri’sworks are related               bin ‘Ali al-Jawi al -Fansuri as-Singkili.   composed by the scholars discussed
                                   Closer to God), Mir’at al- Muhaqqiqin   to theology and mysticism: (1) Durrat                 He was a prolific writer. The Mir’at al-  above and of a high intellectual
                                   (Mirror of the Self-Prosecutors), Jawahir   al-Fara’id bi Sharh al-Aqa’id (Precious           Tullab is the first complete Islamic book   level. Attempts not to use Arabic are
                                   al-Haqa’iq (Pearl of Realities), Nur al-  Jewels on the Explanation of Theology),             in Malay Islamic literature. Al-Singkili   vocabulary seem to have been strong,
                                   Daqa’iq (Light of Subtleties), and Kitab   a Malay-language book on faith, which              most important work is the Tarjuman    although Arabic influences remained,
                                   al-Haraqah (Book of Gowns).             is an adaptation of the Sharh al-Aqa’id               al-Mustafid an interpretation (tafsir) of   such as the use of: /adalah/, /yakni/, /dan/
                                                                           Nasafiah bySa‘d al-Din al-Taftazani; (2)              the Qur’an in Malay. Al-Singkili was the   to support words or phrases. Hamzah
                                   The next Muslim scholar who made        Nubdhah fi Da‘wah az-Zil ma‘a Sahibihi                                                       Fansuri seemed to stress this aspect. As
                                   important contributions to the          (Brief description of the Indictment                  first person in the Malay-Indonesian   a Sufi teacher, he wanted his students to
                                   development of book literature is       theShadow with the Companions), which                 Archipelago who wrote a complete
                                   Nuruddin ar-Raniri. His full name is Nur   contains the perverted notions of the              interpretation of the Qur’an.          come to exact understanding. Therefore,
                                   al-Din Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hasanji al-  mystical doctrine of existential monism;            Abdurrauf al-Singkili’sother important   he deliberately wrote his works in Malay
                                                                                                                                                                        and not in Arabic or Persian, “so all the
                                   Hamid al-Shafi’i al-Ash‘ari al- ’Aydarusi   (3) Lata’if al-Asrar (Subtlety of Secrets)        works are Idhah Tawhid al-Bayan fi
                                   al-Raniri (d. 1068/1658). He was born   that discusses mysticism; (4) Asrar al-               Masa’il A’yani, ‘Umdat al-Fi Muhtajin   people who do not understand Arabic or
                                   in Ranir, or Randir, an old harbor city on   Ihsan fi Ma’rifah wa al-Ruh al-Rahman            Suluk Maslak al-Mufarradin, Ta’bir     Persian can comprehend it”, he wrote
                                                                                                                                                                        in the opening of one of his works, the
                                   the coast of Gujarat. Ar-Raniri came to   (The Secret of Beauty to the Profound               al-Bayan, Daqa`iq al-Huruf, Majmu’                      31
                                   Aceh around 1637, soon after Iskandar   Knowledge and Divine Spirit); (5) Tibyan              al-Masa’il, Sakrat al-Mawt, Tanbih al-  Sharabu l-’Ashiqin.
                                   Muda and Shamsuddin had died. He        Ma’rifah fi al-Adyan (Explanation of the              Masyi, and many others. The books were   The same statement is also valid for
                                   was immediately granted the position    Profound Knowledge on Religions); (5)                 written in Malay. Except latter is written   Shamsuddin as-Sumatrani’s Mir’at al-
                                   of Sheikh al-Islam and in this strong   Hill al-Zhill (Deciphering the Shadow),               in Arabic the other books an in Malay. If   Mu’min 1601 M) in which he wrote “...
                                   position he launched a religious reform   which contains arguments against the                Hamzah Fansuri was a follower of the   because they do not know Arabic and
                                   movement against the Sufi doctrine of   heretical teachings of the Wujudiyyah;                Qadiriyah mystical order, Abdurrauf was   Persian but only the Pasai language....”
                                   wahdah al-wujud (existential monism).   (6) Hujjah al-Siddiq li daf’i al-zindiq               a follower of the Syattariyah Sufi order.   Therefore, like Hamzah Fansuri, he wrote
                                   During his stay in Aceh for about seven   (Argument of the Righteous to Refute                As an expert in Sufism, Abdurrauf also   in Malay in an attempt to write a book

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