P. 349
strong solidarity among members. In general, campus Islamic movements Salafism had a powerful influence in In connection with the development
can be categorized into two, namely Indonesia. The Indonesian Islamic of Salafism in Indonesia, it should be
Lastly, nationalism and political
activism of KAMMI also deserve to be the Indonesian “origin” and the trans- Propagation Council (DDII) under the emphasized that there are several
discussed here. Although it has never national Islamic influence. The student leadership of M. Natsir had brought patterns of the thought of Salafism
in Indonesia, such as the Wahhabi
the ideology of Wahhabi Salafism into
been confronted with events testing movements such as HMI, PMII, and IMM 52 Salafi, the IkhwaniSalafi, and the
their nationalism as was the case are Islamic movements strongly rooted Indonesia since 1967. Many Indonesian Purist Salafi. The Wahhabi Salafi has
students were sent by DDII to study in
within the Indonesian history. While the
of HMI, PMII, and IMM, concerning campus Islamic movements like LDK the Middle East as well as Indonesian the understanding that is based on
their acceptance of the sole principle and KAMMI in many ways are founded students studying at the representative the thought of Muhammad ibn Abd
of Pancasila, it does not mean that as an influence of Islamic movements in of the University of Imam Ibn Sa’ud al-Wahhab of Saudi Arabia, while
KAMMI does not coattach it self to the Middle East, especially the Muslims’ in Indonesia, namely Lembaga Ilmu the Ikhwani Salafi is a movement
idea of nationalism. As an organization brotherhood (al-ikhwan al-muslimin) in Pengetahuan Islam dan Arab (the rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood of
founded at the end of the New Order Egypt. Such a difference significantly Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences, Egypt. The Purist Salafi category is an
era, the emergence of KAMMI implies formulates their religious thoughts and LIPIA). The influence of Wahhabism is understanding originates from Yemen’s
the commitment of the founders interest ideologies. not only for the general public but also Salafist, which is less political in their
of to the state. In addition, KAMMI also at the university, which takes form of the aspects of attention.
comprehends democracy as the proper The first two Islamic movements, HMI campus Islamic movements. Alumni of
political mechanism. Such implies their and IMM, inherited the modernist Middle East universities as well as LIPIA In general, Islamic religious
strong commitment of this organization Islam movement, while PMII is clearly began to emerge and give influences understanding of the LDK and KAMMI is
almost the same that Islam is a religion
to the Indonesian nation. affiliated with the traditionalist group of on campuses since the 1980s. Some
NU. However, the campus atmosphere of them also carry the influence of the that regulates all aspects of life. Such
Campus Islamic Movements in in urban areas has often made the Islamic movement in Egypt, the Muslim an ideology brings the understanding of
Comparative Perspectives relationship of the three student Brotherhood. Therefore, the books of the first two movements on the political
movements to be relatively fluid, and aspect, by which they are also often
The following chart discusses both therefore the author suggests that the the Muslim Brotherhood figures such referred to as Islamist movements. In
groups of the Islamic student movement Indonesian Islamic identity is dominant as Hasan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb contrast to the Purist Salafi movement
in a comparative perspective. Therefore, had flooded Indonesia during the 1980s that does not want to get involved
the following issues are taken as bases in the three movements compared to the and eventually influenced the campus in the political sphere, the other two
campus Islamic movements like LDK and
of comparison, ranging from religious KAMMI, that are greatly influenced by Islamic movements. The education contemporary Islamic movements
thought to the movement strategies and Islamic trans-national movements and (tarbiyah) regeneration methods like that considers politics as part of the struggle
the member recruitment. of the Muslim Brotherhood has the most method of Islam. Although LDK
significant effect on the regeneration movement so far has no affiliation with
1) Religious Thought and Since the beginning of the New Order, system of campus propagation agencies any Islamic parties, they still see political
Movement the Middle East style of Islam called from the 1980s to early 1990s. parties as a significant sphere to fight for
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