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Lafran Pane, founder     Islam. KAMMI has from the beginning     style of hijab used by LDK and KAMMI                  villages. Based on observations in     recruitment. On the basis of a survey
          of the Islamic Students   affiliated with the Prosperous Justice   activists are wider than the commonly               Yogyakarta region, LDK and KAMMI are   in Yogyakarta, the majority of members
          Association (HMI)        Party (PKS) and it is even as a supplier   used veils by HMI, PMII, or IMM activists.         quite active in various activities to help   are interested in Islamic movements
          Source: Directorate of   of the Islamist party activists.        Another phenomenon that distinguishes                 the earthquake affected people of Bantul   for their ideology and social activities.
          History and Cultural                                             women activists of LDK and KAMMI is                   in 2006 and also the Merapi eruption in   The majority of LDK and KAMMI
          Values, Ministry of      2) Social Religious Appearances         that they almost never wear trousers or               2010. In such cases, it seems that HMI,   activists felt that regeneration system
          Education and Culture    In addition to religious thought, the   jeans, but they wear long skirts, instead.            PMII, and IMM are some what different.   of these student organizations is quite
          of the Republic of       diversity of campus movement can        Still related to the physical appearance,             Although they cannot be said to have   effective, particularly the methods of
          Indonesia                also be seen from the patterns of their   LDK and KAMMI male activists believe                been passive, they are less active as   Islamic propagation and the vision of
                                   appearances. In terms of clothing, for   that the beard is part of the prophetic              well as less responsive in social activities   the organization. Both LDK and KAMMI
                                   example, HMI, IMM and PMII activists    traditions and also as part of the Muslim             within the community.                  use tarbiyah method as a regeneration
                                   are more accommodative Indonesian       identity. In fact, it is less evident in other                                               system to recruit new members. The
                                   style of Islamic clothing, while the LDK   Islamist activists. In the case of isbal           3) Membership and Strategies of        tarbiyah system is a regeneration system
                                   and KAMMI tend to accommodate           (trousers cut above the ankles), campus               the Movement                           routinely held once a week with limited
                                   Middle Eastern-style Islamic clothing.   Islamic activists have different opinion             Membership of the campus Islamic       participants and it is also classified in
                                   Many HMI and PMII women activists       from the Salafis. The majority of campus              movements varies, depending on each    tiers. The regeneration system of HMI,
                                   during the 1960s and 1970s had not      Islamic activists wear trousers covering              campus; at public universities LDK and   PMII, and IMM are held once or twice
                                   used hijab as widely used by HMI        the ankles in everyday life, but they keep            KAMMI are more dominant, whereas       a year with specific names: the Basic
                                   and PMII activists today. Changes in    isbal by not lengthening pants only at                at UIN campuses HMI and PMII are       Training for HMI, the Basic Leadership
                                   understanding Islam within the HMI and   time of praying.                                     more dominant; at the same time IMM    Training for PMII, and the Baitul Arqom
                                   PMII members have also undergone        Lastly, the socio-religious behavior                  is more dominant at Muhammadiyah       for IMM. The difference between those
                                                                                                                                                                        recruitment systems is that the Baitul
                                   significant development along with      of the campus Islamic activists can                   campuses. However, many LDK and
                                   the rise of global Islamic influences in   also be seen on their social solidarity.           KAMMI activists have Muhammadiyah      Arqom and tarbiyah put more emphasis
                                   Indonesia.                                                                                    and NU backgrounds. Some “conflicts”   on introducing Islamic education,
                                                                           Being students who pay attentions to                                                         while the Basic Training and the Basic
                                   Another important thing to be discussed   humanitarian issues, almost all campus              between Muhammadiyah and PKS in        Leadership Training put more emphasis
                                   is how these activists understand and   Islamic movements implement social                    some regions prove the assumption      on capacity building. All regeneration
                                   apply the concept of hijab in everyday   programs. These student movements are                that Muhammadiyah’s cadres had been    efforts of the student movements use
                                   life. This clearly distinguishes LDK and   often engaged in social work within the            stolen because they were more active in   the momentum of the beginning of new
                                   KAMMI with other Islamic organizations   community. The regeneration department               KAMMI or PKS.                          academic enrolments to recruit new
                                   like HMI, PMII, and IMM. Hijab as the   of LDK and KAMMI perform a lot of                     Membership of an Islamic movement is   members among the new students
                                   identity of Muslim women are equally    preaching activities and social work in               strongly influenced by the propagation   registered for a university. In additions,
                                   used by all women activists, but the    particular villages called the coaching               strategies or methods of the member    another momentum attracts to involve

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