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ideologically moderate Indonesian Islam.   in the middle New Order period. The   the ideology of Salafism-Wahhabism   does not correspond to the progressive   Consecutive chairmen of
 The development of Islam in Indonesia   conservative style of Wahhabist Islam   into Indonesia. To develop the Wahhabi   encouragement of his youthful spirit.   the Indonesian Islamic
 escalated since the Wahhabi intensifies   brought by the Middle East alumni   influence and also to repress the   Various campus Islamic movements   Student Movement (PMII)
 their propaganda in Southeast Asia to   sent by DDII began to emerge in the   influence of Shia in Indonesia, various   that are the object of this study can be   Source: Directorate of
 repress Shi’ite influences. The latter   early 1980s, along with the repressive   Islamic organizations in the Middle East   categorized into two movements: the   History and Cultural
 Islam has different pattern of Islam that   politics of Soeharto regime against   provide massive funding to develop the   campus Islamic movement and the   Values, Ministry of
 can be called the Middle East style of   the growing Muslims campus Islamic   propagation of Islam. Among the DDII   Campus Islamic propagation Movement.   Education and Culture
 Islam, in which the latter is ideologically   movements. This phase is characterized   missionary activity was to establish   First, the campus Islamic movements   of the Republic of
 relatively conservative. Various patterns   by the emergence of a new generation   mosques, publishing magazines, and   are any movements founded during the   Indonesia
 of diversity also affect campus Islamic   of Muslim students who makes the   the most significant one was to provide   Old Order era and the early period of
 movements. In general campus   campus’ mosque as their base of   scholarships for Indonesian students   the New Order to include HMI, PMII,
 Islamic movement emerged in the two   Islamic propagation. They are known as   studying in the Middle East. A few years   and IMM. In contrast to other campus
 periods, i.e. the early period Indonesian   tarbiyah groups taking much inspiration   later, the Middle East alumni had a   movements, student movements were
 independence and the middle period of   from the movement of the Muslim   significant influence on the spread of   founded due to political factors and the
 the New Order.   Brotherhood in Egypt. In this period   Wahhabism in Indonesia, including on   spirit of nationalism. Similarly, in contrast
          campuses. For DDII, the significant lines
                                                 to other Islamic movements, these
 The spirit of nationalism becomes   actually began to appear also a student   of Islamic propagation in Indonesia are   movements have some characteristics
 a significant issue that led to the   movement affiliated to the Hizbut Tahrir.   three: boarding schools, campuses, and   such as: politically moderate, more
 emergence of campus Islamic   But this latter student movement is less   mosques. This idea is the vision of M.   focused on capacity building activities
 movements in the early period of   significantly developed at campuses.   Natsir, the founder of DDII, as he said “if   for the students, having a fewer
 Indonesian independence. Campus   In addition to local factors, the rise of   we used to propagating Islam in politics,   propagation activity, being more internal,
 Islamic movements that appeared before   Islamic movements, especially in the   now we play politics by the path of   and relatively fewer activities within the
 and after the independence due to social   last two decades has been influenced   Islamic propagation.” 55  community.
 and political situations are JIB, HMI,   by global factors. No denial that the
 PMII, and IMM. Although JIB has no   emergence of Islamic movements in the   Lastly, the development of Islamic   Second, the campus student movements
 longer existed, some analysts suggest   reform era is a global phenomenon that   movements in several campuses in   emerging at the middle New Order period
 that the Islamic spirit of JIB is inherited   also appears in various countries. The   Indonesia cannot be separated from   and beginning of the era of Reformation
 by HMI in both ideology and politics. The   dominant course of globalization has   the students’ psychological condition,   like LDK and KAMMI would rather be
 manifold political background then forms   accelerated the spread of the trans-  which is full of idealism or favoring a   called the campus Islamic propagation
                                                 movement. Although comprising political
          belief to be true thing. Students are
 the nature of campus Islamic movements   national Islamic ideology.  often persistent in fighting for his beliefs.   aspects in their process of establishment,
 as dense as their political nuances.  Dewan Dakwah Islam Indonesia (the   In general, students do not like the   these student movements are more
 The second period of the rise of campus   Indonesian Islamic Propagation Council,   establishment of status quo, because   influenced by the high spirit of Islam
 Islamic propagation movements is   DDII) plays significant role in bringing   it is synonymous with setbacks, which   resulted from the Middle East influences.

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