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and functions of the Ministry of Religious Islamic Education, Directorate General Although in a different intensity and inter-religious dialogues under Minister
Affairs within the context of national of Hajj and Umrah, and the Directorate with other activities, Christianization Mukti Ali (1971-1978). Because in this
development also became more and General of Islamic Guidance; the remained even though the Dutch had period a variety of programs including
more prominent. This can be seen in the affairs of religions other than Islam are to pull out of the archipelago in 1949. dialogues, seminars, research, and
New Order government’s great affection managed by the Directorate Generals The 1960s and the 1970s are recorded publications were executed in order to
for Islam since the 1980s. At the time, of Guidance for Christians, Catholics, as periods when Christianization was develop and maintain harmonious life
Indonesia witnessed the endorsement of Hindus, and Buddhists. intensively conducted which incited among adherents of various religions,
pro-Muslim governmental policies as well discord and suspicion between Muslims itis considered a milestone in the
as the government’s accommodation of Religious Harmony and Christians that led to religious construction of a model for religious
Islamic groups through the establishment Christianization took place during the polemics. This was clearly a serious harmony. Mukti Ali was a pioneer in
of Muslim-based strategic organizations. Dutch colonial period and it has been a problem for maintaining inter-religious inter-religious dialogue in Indonesia.
The Ministry of Religious Affairs’ crucial hot issue in post-independent Indonesia. harmony. Therefore, creating and From then on, inter-religious dialogue
maintaining religious harmony became
was one of the main programs of the
position is reflected, for instance, in The Dutch government was not neutral one of the Ministry of Religious Affairs’ ministry and it has been conducted
its duties and functions in the wider towards the religions of its colonies, as it main functions. uninterrupted under subsequent
framework of nation building. Its main had promised, but rather, it was in favor Ministers of Religious Affairs.
task in the government is to buildup of the groups who adhered to religions Following the polemics on the state’s
religious life of the Indonesian nation, the Dutch adhered to. 10 basic foundation during the early years Mukti Ali launched his major dialogue
maintaining harmonious inter-religious Christianization took place in many of independence, which were more or project with a program called “Coaching
relations, and to play an active role in areas and the Dutch colonial government less related to the issue of inter-religious Project for Inter-Religious Harmony”.
social welfare. To do this, it carries out facilitated it financially and politically. relations, Islam-Christianity relations As a professor of comparative religion,
general supervision and guidance and it During the reign of Governor-General were increasingly tense and sometimes Mukti Ali was convinced that the Islamic-
offers services for religious life. It does Idenburg (1909-1916) for example the even led to conflicts. Therefore, the Christian polemic could not end in the
not involve itself in theological matters government gave massive subsidies to government made efforts to ease absence of constructive concept of
orin the internal affairs of religions and the construction of zending (missionary) and solve the problems. In 1967, two living together to ensure the sustainable
their adherents. The Ministry of Religious hospitals and the opening of missionaries years after the issuance of the 1965 rights of both. So in an effort to create
Affairs only has the authority to regulate territories in Solo. Although the Kantoor PNPS law, the Ministry of Religious a harmonious relationship between
believers’ relations with the state and voor Inlandsche Zaken under C. Snouck Affairs, under the leadership of K.H. religious adherents and to streamline
religious life on Indonesian soil. Muhammad Dahlan took the initiative to the overall development agenda, Mukti
Hurgronje’s leadership published a hold inter-religious dialogues. However, Ali proposed the concepts of inter-
The Ministry of Religious Affairs decree strictly prohibiting proselytization the program did not have a clear religious coexistence, mutual tolerance,
manages all issues pertaining to in Islamic areas, such as Aceh, concept and was still held on avery and respect. In his view, these attitudes
religious life in Indonesia. Islamic affairs Christianization quickly penetrated into limited scope. The Ministry of Religious would prosper when adherents of
fall under the Directorate-General of other areas. 12 Affairs reformulated its concept for each religion would still be allowed to
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