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and behavior that manifest religious    The FKUB’s strategic role and the                     between Muslims and Christians.        of fact, in the Ahmadiyah case it was
                                   harmony. These things mean that the     issuance of PBM, among others, were                   These events showed that inter-        clear that the perpetrators of violence,
                                   religious community is responsible for   to increase the forum’s position as the              religious dialogue still met with practical   arsonists, and murderers justified their
                                   development, particularly in the context   government’s principal tool to organize            difficulties.  Some obstacles were that   actions based on the 2005 MUI fatwa and
                                   of building religious harmony.          dialogues. Its role was also to get to                the dialogues tended to be discursive   the Joint Decree (SKB) of the Minister
                                                                           know the aspirations of religious figures,            and elitist and frivolous in the ways   of Religious Affairs, the Minister of the
                                   The technical implementation of the
                                   government’s more institutionalized     religious organizations and society                   they addressed the gaps between        Interior and the Attorney General which
                                   attempts to foster religious harmony    in general in order to be able to offer               religious elites and mediators in the field,   ordered the cessation of the activities
                                   is the official task of the Center for   recommendations to the heads of the                  negative prejudices among inter-religious   of the Ahmadiyah group to expand its
                                   Religious Harmony (Pusat Kerukunan      regional authorities to promote policies              adherents, existing socio-economic     unwanted influences (2008). In their
                                   Umat Beragama, PKUB), an institution    related to religious harmony, and to make             disparities, and the low level of justice for   actions against potential violations of the
                                   under the authority of the Ministry of   written recommendations on requests for              the whole of society. A former Minister   rules, they claimed to have preceded the
                                   Religious Affairs. In 2000, this institution   the establishment of houses of worship.        of Religious Affairs Thalchah Hasan    legal authorities. That security forces
                                   had a sizable share in the process of   The FKUB also has a more practical                    saw that the strengthening of religious   sometimes did not take any anticipatory
                                   the recognition of Confucianism as one   and tactical role crucial to the formation           harmony tended to be structural and    action and preferred to keep silent,
                                   of the official religions in Indonesia.   of religious harmony in Indonesia. For              politically oriented. 20               despite knowing of the violence would
                                   Managing religious harmony is also      example, the FKUB has the clear tasks                 So far, the FKUB has been unable to    only made the matters worse. 22
                                   organized in regional inter-faith forums   1) to detect and map cases of religious            detect, dampen, or find solutions for   Various pro-democracy groups and
                                   called the Forum for Religious Harmony   disharmony; 2) to reduce and to find                 disrupting unrest or sectarian conflicts   pro-human rights NGOs, intellectuals,
                                   (FKUB) which are strategic partners of   solutions for potential disruptions; and             with religious backgrounds. The violence   religious figures, and lawyers pointed out
                                   the government in linking the interests   3) to identify and revitalize local wisdom          radical Islamic groups perpetrate against   that the Joint Decree on the Ahmadiyah,
                                   of the government and of societyin      that supports religious harmony.                      minority communities such as the Jamaat   and thus the Ministry of Religious Affairs,
                                   the context of religious harmony. The   However, some circles added some                      Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) in West      had been interfering in the internal and
                                   role of this forum was strengthened     critical notes as they concluded that the             Java, Lombok and Banten, the Shiites in   external affairs of a religious community.
                                   by the issuance of the Joint Ministerial   inter-religious dialogue program was               Madura, and other conflicts and violent   In fact, the Ministry of Religious Affairs
                                   Regulation (Peraturan Bersama Menteri,   insufficiently entrenched and played a               actions instigated by disputes over the   explained clearly that its concern with
                                   PBM) of the Minister of Religious Affairs   less significant role at the community            establishment of houses of worship such   religious harmony was limited only to
                                   and the Minister of the Interior no. 8 and   level. These critical notes were made            as in Bogor, Bekasi, and many other    external affairs and did not include
                                   9, 2006 on the Guidelines for the Duties   in reaction to events that occurred in             areas are proof that the FKBU does not   religious communities’ internal affairs. 23
                                   of the Regional and Deputy Regional     regions like Situbondo, Tasikmalaya,                                            21
                                   Heads in maintaining religious harmony,   Ketapang, Kupang, Ambon, Poso and                   function well in those regions.        With regard to the rising problem of
                                   the empowerment of the FKUB, and the    the Moluccas, where religious violence                In some cases, it is unfair to blame or   violence and vigilantism caused by
                                   establishment of houses of worship. 17  occurred in the 2000s, especially                     discredit only the FKUB. As a matter   government policies, it is important

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