Page 39 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 39

Liefkees Ambassador
                                  26/5/2010 – 9/2/2024

                                     Rummy  was  the  last  in  my  long
                                     association with the breed.  He came
                                     to me at 8 weeks, a furry bundle of joy,
                                     and so full of love and cuddles. My life
                                     and recreation from that day revolved
                                     around him and he was my world. We
                                     did some showing when he was young
                                     but he didn’t really enjoy it, preferring
                                     outdoor  activities  which  included
                                     Obedience,  Agility  and  joining  other
                                     members  of  the  dog  club  with  doggy
                                     line dancing.

                                     He was such a gentle and loving soul
              and was aptly named ‘Ambassador’ and was the best the breed
              could wish for. He touched the hearts of everyone who met him,
              so enjoyed life and set such a good example to other dogs.
              He  reached  advanced  level  in  obedience  although  we  never
              entered competitions. His scent work retrieval was faultless and
              other members used to say if their dogs were even half as good
              as Rummy, they would be happy.
              He was quite simply my whole world and life is so empty without
              him at my side. He was my reason for getting up each morning
              and out for our early morning walks.

              Until we meet again, you are
               tucked safely in my heart.

               With much love from your

                  Marian Houghton

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