Page 34 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 34
It was our young female who proved So, I agree with David’s sentiments
to be the show girl. The results of that ‘it costs nothing to be nice’
ring-craft training were paying off and but there are plenty of examples
our experience of winning began to which might provide the answers
bite hard. Perhaps the word ‘bite’ to some of his concerns about
is the operative word which best ringside behaviour. I believe that
describes the next unfortunate only when legitimate complaints and
chapter of experiences in our new- concerns of derogatory comments are
found leisure activity. Blues and taken seriously will we be able to look
yellows were replaced with reds! forward to being in a nicer place. I
will always love this breed but my
At a time when the scene was love for being ringside has long
dominated by the same win, win, waned.
winners, it was gratifying to be part
of a change. It had even occurred to Meeting and greeting also costs
me previously that a certain amount nothing at Club shows. When on the
of ‘manipulation’ of judges might be committee, I remember collecting the
taking place ….. perish my thinking! biggest raffle money of well over
The reality of it all became clear when £200 by just talking to folk. A
our girl produced a beautiful litter and dedicated attitudinal change is
one of her sons, our special boy, needed throughout, from top to
showed his potential to be a real star, bottom.
winning 13 CC’s umpteen reserves,
many BOB’s and, notoriously,
Puppy Group 1 at
Birmingham Championship Show
and then, in 2013, overall
Top Keeshond.
It was all change once he repeatedly
started to win big! Caustic personal
comments punctuated through
with derogatory ones about our
dogs started to filter through from
some quarters. Why drive miles
only to be ‘insulted’ by those who
had previously welcomed us as
‘newbies’ and with whom we
thought we had forged true
friendships? To us, it became a
rather confusing narrative.
Agreed, there are many lessons to I’m going to end by remembering my
learn from our experiences, but my late, beloved Poppy. She possessed
personal feelings are that there’s a everything I could wish for in a friend.
lot of toxicity in what should be an She could express more with her tail
enjoyable hobby. Now let’s all think in a second than some people express
about that for as long as it takes. with their tongues in hours…
Especially ringside!