Page 33 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 33

Onward and Upward…                            … or so to speak!

                                       By Allan Wadmore

              I have  read  David  Mathews’  to  find  answers.  Some  way  of
        “It   costs   nothing  to  be  nice”  explaining this may be found whilst
        in  the  last  edition  of  this  maga-  reflecting on my own historic story.
        zine.  He  is  quite  correct!  Whilst
        I  understand  other  clubs  may    With the increasing age and ill health
        experience poor behaviour at shows,  of  our  first  Keeshond,  Akeela,  we
        let’s  just  tune  our  thoughts  to  our  were keen to find a Keeshond puppy.
        breed  ringside  behaviour.  But  he  Luckily,  we  didn’t  have  too  long  to
        needs to be careful what he wishes  wait and were soon owned by a lovely
        for.                                puppy  dog.    Fortunately  Akeela
                                            accepted the pup without hesitation;
        Show numbers continue to fall across  what  a  perfect  relationship  this
        the hobby and there is a palpable lack  proved  to  be.    At  six  months  our
        of younger people joining us oldies.  breeder  invited  all  the  puppies  to
        What sort of heritage will be passed  meet  at  a  championship  show.
        down if we don’t address some of the  Naturally  we  took  up  the  challenge
        reasons why?  Wikipedia describes a  and were astonished to discover that
        hobby  as  ‘a  regular  activity  that  is  our boy had qualified for Crufts!  We
        done for enjoyment, typically during  couldn’t  believe  our  luck.  And  so
        one’s  leisure  time’.  I  feel  this  began  what  we  hoped  would  be  a
        definition may provide some clues as  memorable new hobby.  On the sad
        to why show numbers in breeds have  loss of Akeela we needed a friend for
        declined dramatically over the years.  the pup so we acquired a bitch as his
        My  introduction  to  the  breed  came
        long  before  showing  and  I  soon  Bitten by the show bug we decided
        appreciated  what  an  exceptional  that  transport  with  accommodation
        breed  the  Keeshond  was.  Beauty,  on board was important if we were to
        intellect,  gentleness,  and  a  loving  realise  even  our  basic  needs.  We
        nature,  just  some  of  the  adjectives  purchased  an  old  VW  camper  and
        that bind us to this most adaptable  were  ready  to  hit  the  road  with
        of breeds; so what could possibly go  fun-filled  expectations!    Driving
        wrong?  What is apparent however,   home, after unremarkable days, we
        is that these same attributes cannot  would reflect on how lucky we were
        always  be  used  to  describe  show  to have met many lovely people who
        attendees.    All  too  many  of  these  always  seemed  so  friendly  and
        seem to be breeders.  Why is this?  encouraging to us ‘newbies’.
        Perhaps we don’t have to look too far

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