Page 36 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 36
scrapbooks I cut out (or later printed)
and saved the full results of each
show and the critiques. I have kept
a record of all my dogs and their
progeny in old exercise books so
have a complete history of all my
What next? I also had all the
Keeshond Club and North of England
Keeshond Club Newsletters since I
joined in 1987. I spent very nostalgic
days going through all of these. I
have kept all the ones where I had The ones I still have displayed in my
contributed an article or where one office are those of Maddy who won so
of my dogs was mentioned in the many including three first place
show results or obituary. I also tore rosettes from Crufts. I still have all
out some pages of interest to keep. of Bolt’s of course, and Flo’s and
It was lovely seeing all the names of May’s, though these two have hardly
committee members and others, been shown since the pandemic.
kennels of the past and articles These rosettes really make a good
written over the years, but it all had display and visitors are amazed when
to go! they see them all.
Finally, I have all the rosettes I have My loft is now half full of empty
won since 1990. The deceased dogs’ boxes, you did not expect me to
rosettes are packed neatly into shoe throw them away too did you? They
boxes and are still in the loft. I do not will come in handy when I eventually
have the heart to throw them away. move, that’s what hoarders do!
For her splendidly informative article
for us all on Mantrailing.
Who knew?