Page 37 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 37
Kit on Kit proven their worth to me
More useful tips and
products that have
through over 30 years of
living with Keeshonds.
PART TWO… By Kit Wadmore-Smith
In no particular order:
Frozen mixed vegetables. Brilliant for bulking up your Keesie’s
dinner in a healthy way, adding vitamins but not calories, if you’re
needing to get his weight down but still want him to feel nicely ‘full’
after his meal. Because the mix contains peas it does need to be well
cooked in the microwave (8 mins on high per mug), to break down the
lectins they contain; indigestible to dogs this renders them harmless.
Sudocrem. In my opinion, the best healing cream for minor cuts,
scrapes and sores. It disinfects but also promotes healing. Vets have
advised me that Savlon is NOT so good as it can slow tissue repair.
Table salt. A table spoon of ordinary salt dissolved in a mug of warm
water and dabbed on a wound/sore is simply the best disinfectant/
cleanser. It’s completely safe and also helps to dry it up.
Tick hook. Invaluable small plastic tool to remove ticks without
leaving their mouthparts stuck in your Keeshond to cause infection.
Hand signals. When training your Keeshond, if you always give a
corresponding hand signal to your verbal command you should then be
able to drop the verbal and just give the hand signal. For example, it’s
far more elegant to just raise a finger to stop your Keesie barking than
have to start shouting for him to “be quiet” over the noise, thereby
adding to it and losing your cool in the process. It works with mine and
is also so helpful if advancing years makes your dog hard of hearing.
Vinegar. Dabbed on neat it works very well for me in killing any of
those tiny bright orange harvest mites that can attach themselves
between my dogs’ toes. It helps to take the itch out for them too.
Pro Kolin Advanced for dogs. A probiotic paste given by vets for
gastric troubles, particularly diarrhoea, that can be bought for a fraction
of the price on Amazon. Good to keep a spare tube so you can start it
Ribb-itt !
as soon as symptoms show.