Page 15 - Test
P. 15

 In IP Policy and Practice Committees, staff may assist with submissions to government, set
    deadlines and requirements for deliverables from committees, and manage the review
    process and formatting.

 In professional development, publication and services committees, the staff liaison plays an
    active role with the committee. The staff liaison is responsible for the production of the
    program, publication or service.

 In special interest committees, the staff liaison may play a role similar to one of the two
    roles explained above, depending on the work of the committee.

 Staff plays an active role in the regulatory framework committee.

 IPIC staff can provide the committee with background information on issues, history,
    statistics and advice on IPIC polices, budget, project planning and implementation,
    government relations and other relevant information.

 IPIC staff sometimes serves as ex-officio members to committees (see next).

 Staff may attend meetings of policy and practice committees as observers.

 It is important to copy the committee’s staff liaison on all circulated information e-mails
    with important information, and to keep staff apprised of changes to committee
    membership/contact info.

 If no name is provided in your portal for a staff ex-officio or staff liaison, you may contact
    the executive director.
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