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Thank you for choosing to be a member of an IPIC committee! Below is information on
committee work and participation. Should you have questions on any of the items below,
please do not hesitate to contact your committee Chair or the Council or staff ex-officio
member of the committee.
Although committees may have a lot of work to do, work that can have a significant impact on
the practice of IP in Canada, committee work should be an enjoyable experience. Please feel
free to participate, share your ideas and your knowledge with your peers.
Participation during Meetings
Attend all meetings.
Prepare for each meeting by reading the agenda, past minutes (if applicable) and any
accompanying material provided.
Dial in on time, and attend for the full duration of the meeting.
Prepare to provide a contribution to the meeting by sharing your ideas and/or valid
concerns even at the risk of sounding odd or being unpopular.
When opposing an initiative, be prepared to propose a better alternative.
Help to facilitate a positive working environment.
Participation between Meetings
Complete all tasks assigned as early as possible.
Keep the lines of communication open with other members of the committee.
Suggest items that should be included on the next meeting’s agenda.
Raise concerns with those who can take corrective action.
Offer constructive feedback to the Chair on his/her facilitation style.
These tips were inspired from the following:
The Guide to Better Meetings for Directors of Non-Profit Organizations, Eli Mina, Canadian Society of Association
Executives, 2000
Minute Taking for Better Meetings, Participant Manual, Performance Management Consultants.