Page 16 - Test
P. 16

 Council has legal decision-making authority (including financial decisions) for IPIC as
    mandated by the members, the law and IPIC’s by-law.

 Council delegates some of this authority and related responsibilities to the executive
    director to achieve its goals: the executive director is accountable to Council.

 The executive director assigns responsibilities and delegates some decision-making
    authority to the other members of the staff.

 The work of the committees is to help Council and staff to achieve IPIC’s objectives on
    behalf of the membership. The work done by committee members is accountable to
    Council; however, there is no delegated authority for financial matters.

 Committees may make recommendations that have a financial impact; however,
    ultimately, final decisions rest with Council or staff depending on the nature of the

 Council and staff ex-officios are the link between committees and Council or the executive
    director: please keep them in the loop.
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