Page 10 - RPT BI YEAR 3 2020
P. 10


                                    LISTENING                SPEAKING               READING                     WRITING                LANGUAGE ARTS
                            1.2.2                       2.1.1                3.2.1                    4.2.2                          5.2.1 Ask and answer
                            Understand with support     Ask about and        Understand the main      Make and give reasons for      simple questions
                            specific information and    express basic        idea of short simple texts  simple predictions          about characters,
                            details of short simple texts   opinions                                                                 actions and events of
             WEEK 29
                                                                             3.2.2                    4.2.4                          interest in a text
                            1.2.5                       2.2.1 Keep           Understand specific      Describe people and objects
             WEEK 30
                            Understand a wide range of   interaction going in   information and details   using suitable words and   5.3.1
                            short supported questions   short exchanges by   of short simple texts    phrases                        Respond imaginatively
             WEEK 31
                                                        repeating key words                                                          and intelligibly
                                                        from the other       3.2.3 Guess the meaning   4.3.1                         through creating
             WEEK 32
                                                        speaker              of unfamiliar words from   Use capital letters, full stops   simple action songs on
                                                                             clues provided by visuals   and question marks          familiar topics. Other
                                                        2.2.2                and the topic            appropriately in guided writing   imaginative responses
                                                        Ask for attention or                          at sentence level              as appropriate.
                                                        help from a teacher
                                                        or classmate by                               4.3.2
              Theme                                     using suitable                                Spell an increased range of
          World of self,                                questions                                     familiar high frequency words
        family and friends                                                                            accurately in guided writing
            Module 8:                                   Narrate very short                            4.3.3
         Where were you                                 basic stories and                             Plan, draft and write an
            yesterday?                                  events                                        increased range of simple
           (LP 113-128)

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