Page 6 - MyMT EATS Recipe book (Proofed May 2017) (2)
P. 6

Alkaline Food Chart

          The purpose of this FOOD CHART is to help you select Low ACID Foods. Here at My MT™ we want
          you to eat from the first two columns at least 80-90% of your week as you go through our 12 week
          programs. This food list sits along-side the LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX chart which is all about
          CARBOHYDRATES, but this more in-depth chart also has FATS and PROTEIN FOOD CHOICES on it

          Foods that are more alkaline, are designed to stabilise your BLOOD-SUGAR Levels, but more
          importantly, during menopause, to repair and heal INFLAMMATION that is caused by your
          Menopause changes. Research about ‘health’ as we age, suggests that our daily diet should consist
          of 60 – 80% alkaline forming foods and 20-40% acid forming foods depending on the degrees of
          inflammatory changes present inside the gut, liver and muscle cells.  Generally, alkaline forming
          foods include: most fruits, green vegetables, peas, beans, lentils, spices, herbs and seasonings,
          and seeds and nuts. This is why the modified
          MEDITERRANEAN DIET is the mainstay of the MyMT™                    This chart is only intended as
          dietary changes that I want you to adhere to MOST of the           a general guide to you during
                                                                             your MyMT™ programme. The

          Generally, acid forming foods include: red meat, grains,           intention is for you to focus
          foods made with processed flours and sugars and some               on FOODS THAT HEAL for at
          dairy products. These are typically foods that many of             least 6 weeks.
          us have learnt to consume over the years.

          As much as possible, visit your local Farmer’s market or Whole-foods Market and

          source quality, organic, local product.
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