Page 7 - MyMT EATS Recipe book (Proofed May 2017) (2)
P. 7

Eat These Especially                 Eat These Moderately                Foods to only eat 20% of
                                                                                   your week
          Alkalizing /Low Glycemic             Slightly Acid/ Moderate-            High Acid/ High Glycemic
                     Vegetables                          Vegetables                          Vegetables
          Avocado                              Kidney Beans                        Soybeans              Corn
          Broccoli              Cauliflower    Pinto Beans
          Celery                Cucumber       String Beans (Green) and Yellow  Winter Squash
          Daicon Winter Radish                 Broad Beans                                Dairy Products
                                               Carrots                             Butter                Cheese
          Endive (leaf vegie belonging to      Chard/ Rocket                       Processed Cheese
          the chicory family)                  Chickpeas                           Milk
                                               Eggplant                            Ice-Cream
          Garlic                               Lettuce                                          Grains
          Kale                                 Peas                                Bran (Oat and Wheat)
          Kohlrabi                             Pumpkin                             Bread
          Lentils                              Tomatoes (Low Acid preferable)      Corn, Corn-starch
          Mushrooms                                                                Crackers, Potato Chips/ Crisps
          Mustard Greens                                    Meats                  Flour (white and wheat)
          Onions (Unless you have Irritable    Turkey                              Pasta                 White rice
          Bowel Syndrome)                      Ocean Fish                          Rye Flour             Wheat
          Parsley                                                                  Germ
          Peppers                                            Fruits                Wheat-based products
          Spinach                              Apples                Apricots      including many breakfast
          Sweet Potato/ Kumara                 Blueberries           Cherries      cereals
          Watercress                           Figs                  Grapes
          Wheatgrass                           Guava                 Oranges
          Wild greens                          Pears                 Plums
          Yams                                 Strawberries

          Black-berries                             Alkalising Minerals
          Rock Melon/ Cantaloupe               Calcium                                          Meats
          Grapefruit                           Magnesium
          Honeydew Melon                       Potassium
          Lemons                Limes          Sodium                              Beef  (Organic, grass-fed beef is
          Logan-berries (Boysenberries)                                            less acidic than barn-raised non-
          Nectarines            Raspberries                 Other                  organic beef)
          Tangerines/ Mandarins                Soured dairy foods e.g. organic
                                               probiotic yoghurt                   Lamb (Organic, grass-fed lamb is
                  Plant Proteins               Probiotic cultures                  less acidic than beef, so have this
          Almonds                              Honey (unrefined)                   1 x week preferably instead of
                                                                                   beef in the MyMT program)
          Chestnuts                            Maple Syrup (unrefined)
          Millet                                                                   Veal
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