Page 10 - MyMT EATS Recipe book (Proofed May 2017) (2)
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CELERY - Celery has anti-inflammatory properties packed into its unique non-starch
polysaccharide fibre. This makes it great for MyMT™ Liver-Lover nutrition.
Packed full of Vitamin K, Folate, vitamin C and anti-oxidant flavinoids, pack
some celery into your lunch today. Organic is best.
CAPSICUM - We all know Vitamin C prevents scurvy, right? Well, Vitamin C is a known anti-
inflammatory agent. Capcicums or Red peppers are packed full of Vitamin C
and it’s this vitamin that helps you to better-absorb blood boosting iron. Iron
binds oxygen to red blood cells, so add capsicum to your daily intake and feel
your energy levels increase daily.