P. 15

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               4th Priority:  Mobile operator license opportunity in Chininsia.

               4 licenses are due for renewal  in Chininsia, the worlds 4th largest mobile market, presenting an
               excellent opportunity to expand into the Asia Pacific Region. There are uncertainties about the

               bidding rules being changed by the newly elected  government to favour current license holders.
               We need to decide what is the best way to enter this market or not to enter at all.

               Should we enter Chininsia?
               We have never played in Asia Pacific before so it was imperative we first assess the country
               using Porter's Diamond (Appendix 2). Overall, we found sophisticated demand conditions, the

               right  basic  and  advanced  factor  conditions,  strong  related  and  supporting  industry  and  an
               oligopolistic market structure with intense rivalry which have combined to give Chininsia some
               Competitive  Advantage  in  the  mobile  industry.  We  used  Porter  5  Forces  to  assess  the

               attractiveness of the mobile industry itself (Appendix 4). Overall, we did not find it attractive due
               to high entry barriers, strong buyer power and intense rivalry that cannot easily negate the weak

               supplier power and a low threat of substitutes.

               Should  the  board  nonetheless  decide  to  enter  this  market,  it  needs  to  make  the  best
               choice between an acquisition and direct entry in the light of the uncertainty around the
               bidding rules being changed.

               What is the best entry strategy: Acquisition or direct?

               We are considering acquiring CloudNet and bidding as a local company or bid directly. Both of
               these options have win-loose scenarios  as calculated in Appendix 8 and applied here.

               Situation 1: If bidding rules stay the same:
               Acquiring CloudNet will deliver an EV of -S$597m should we bid and loose but will secure an

               EV of S$403m should we bid and win, providing an overall EV of -S$194m.  Meanwhile bidding
               directly delivers a much smaller loss of S$9m if we bid and loose. We stand to gain S$80 if we
               won, with an overall EV of S$71.80m.

               Situation 2: If bidding rules are changed

               Acquisition  delivers  an  EV  of  -S$398m  should  we  bid  and  loose  but  will  deliver  an  EV  of
               S$604m should we win, with an  overall EV of S$206m.  Meanwhile direct bidding delivers a
               much  smaller loss of S$14m  and a gain of S$8 if we won, leading to an overall EV of -S$7.

                                                       Developed by The CharterQuest Institute for 'The CFO Business Case Study Competition 2016'
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