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PESTEL Analysis (Global) : APPENDIX 1
Political Governments around the world will seek to enact policies to promote
the industry due to job creation and economic growth impact
Nuclear Non Proliferation deal and sanctions against Ilania
Mooted indeginsation programme in Ilania
Economic 3.8% of global GDP together with wider ecosystem accounting for 25
million jobs worldwide
Declining prices of smart phones
Depreciation of the S$ against the US$
Social Language barriers in developing markets will affect internet uptake
Increasing social media interaction with facebook and whatsapp
Increasing mobilsation of African societies against multinationals
Technological Smart phones and more internet is accessed via mobile
Shift to mobile data as a way of communicating
Internet of Things (IOT)
Developments in e and m commerce and mobile money technologies
Cloud computing and managed IT solutions
Big data technology platforms
Environmental Climate change accord signed
Legal Tightening of the regulatory environment through various
Telecommunications Regulatory Authorities through powers to award
licenses and impose fines -e.g. the S$58 billion imposed on MCOM.
Increasing tension between security and privacy laws could see
governments enact new policies that encroach on personal freedom in
a bid to require mobile operators to avail personal data for crime
prevention purposes.
Developed by The CharterQuest Institute for 'The CFO Business Case Study Competition 2016' | Email: