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                                                      PESTEL Analysis (Global) :  APPENDIX 1

               Political              Governments around the world will seek to enact policies to promote

                                        the industry due to job creation and economic growth impact
                                      Nuclear Non Proliferation deal and sanctions against Ilania

                                      Mooted indeginsation programme in Ilania
               Economic               3.8% of global GDP together with wider ecosystem accounting for 25
                                        million jobs worldwide

                                      Declining prices of smart phones
                                      Depreciation of the S$ against the US$

               Social                 Language barriers in developing markets will affect internet uptake
                                      Increasing social media interaction with facebook and whatsapp

                                      Increasing mobilsation of African societies against multinationals
               Technological          Smart phones and more internet is accessed via mobile

                                      Shift to mobile data as a way of communicating
                                      Internet of Things (IOT)

                                      Developments in e and m commerce and mobile money technologies
                                      Cloud computing and managed IT solutions

                                      Big data technology platforms
               Environmental          Climate change accord signed

               Legal                  Tightening    of   the   regulatory   environment    through   various
                                        Telecommunications Regulatory Authorities through powers to award
                                        licenses and impose fines -e.g. the S$58 billion imposed on MCOM.

                                      Increasing  tension  between  security  and  privacy  laws  could  see
                                        governments enact new policies that encroach on personal freedom in

                                        a  bid  to  require  mobile  operators  to  avail  personal  data  for  crime
                                        prevention purposes.

                                                       Developed by The CharterQuest Institute for 'The CFO Business Case Study Competition 2016'
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