Page 20 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 20


            Capital Rationing

            • Capital rationing = limited capital available for investment (i.e there is not enough
                capital available to accept all projects that yield a positive NPV therefore the best
                projects must be selected using the capital available).

            • If the capital outlay for all available projects is the same then you would select the
                project with the highest NPV.

            • However, if the capital outlay is different a profitability index must be calculated:

            • Profitability index formula = Present value                                          Do not take off the
                                                                                                    initial cost of the
                                                          Investment cost                       investment (i.e. use the

                                                                                                    PV not the NPV)!!

            • The PI shows the NPV per R1 investment.

            • If projects are divisible (they can be split into smaller components) then the projects
                with the higher PI’s are preferable (this will result in maximising NPV).

            • If projects are not divisible (they cannot be split into smaller components) then the
                selection should be based on maximising NPV.
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