P. 16

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               which would not only be in violation of various international laws but unethical. In the US, this is
               termed  'pay  to  play'.  As  we  observe  in  the  US  elections  currently  unfolding,  the  Democratic

               candidate,  Hillary  Clinton,  is  increasingly  accused  of  being  unethical  by  giving  preferential
               meeting access to foreign donors of the Clinton Foundation whilst she served as the Secretary
               of State. If this can be proven, it will constitute at best a corrupt act and hence unethical and at

               worse in breach of US and international law.


               An  investigation  should  be  conducted  to  confirm  if  indeed  the  payment  agreed  for  Ernest
               Holkan's  law  firm  (Covinon  and  Bowling)  is  market-related  and  to  establish  the  real  motive

               behind the choice of this law firm to lead our legal and negotiation strategy in Nakolia. There are
               allegations  we  paid  higher  than  the  normal  fee  and  it  is  possible  that  in  our  desperation  to
               secure  a  prompt  settlement  of the fine,  we  may  have  engaged  in  unethical  acts.  An  outside

               forensic firm of good international standing should be appointed to conduct the investigation and
               report to a level sufficiently high given the sensitivity of the parties and governments implicated.

               Care should be taken to not alienate the law firm but rather seek their co-operation in order not
               to damage relations with them as they seem to have been critical in securing the two negotiated
               settlements, that is, Option 2 and 3. We may need them to complete the negotiations with the

               Nakolian Authorities especially if we were to choose Option 3 and seek to negotiate down the
               free float percentage from 60% to below 50%

               5.   Conclusion

               Lets re-iterate and summarise our key recommendations to the Board:
               1.      Negotiate  and  stagger  payments  but  list  on  the  Nakolian  Stock  Exchange  having

                       negotiated a free float below 50% of total company shares
               2.      Appoint Johan Van Rensberg as new Group CEO
               3       Prepare to issue an Earnings Warning to the markets

               4.      Investigate schedule and cost overrun problems on the SSC Project and take action
               5.      Subject to due Diligence results, make an offer of 1 MCOM share for 45 of CloudNet's

               6.      Investigate the legal advice in the matter of the provision for the Nakolia fine
               7.      Appoint a forensic firm to probe improper action in the appointment of law firm.

               We trust the Board finds this report helpful and are happy to take any questions.

               Team CharterCapital Advisory
               The CharterQuest Institute

                                                            Developed by The CharterQuest Institute for 'The CFO Case Study Competition 2016'
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