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P. 36

Chapter 2

               1.4  Political factors – the ‘P’ in PEST

               The policies chosen by government will have an impact on organisational

               Examples of government policy

                    Fiscal policy        Monetary policy          Supply-side            Green policy/
                   The                   Manages                   policy              externalities
                    government’s           economy               Aims to improve       Negative
                    taxation and           through control        supply of              externalities are
                    spending plans         of money               resources in the       the costs of
                   Impact on              supply, e.g.           economy, e.g.          production
                    organisational         using interest         investment in          experienced by
                    performance –          rates                  employee               society, e.g. car
                    e.g. taxation         Impact on              training or low        emissions.  The
                    policy will            organisational         employee taxes         government
                    impact                 performance –         Impact on              may impose
                    profitability          e.g. interest          organisational         green policies.
                                           rates will impact      performance –         Impact on
                                           borrowing cost         e.g. staff             organisational
                                                                  productivity           performance –
                                                                  linked to skills       e.g. imposed tax
                                                                  and training           will impact

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