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P. 40

Chapter 3

               Standard Costing                              Target Costing

                    A push system: a standard cost per           A pull system that requires
                     unit (onto which a mark-up is                 understanding of market demand
                     added).                                       and competition, so that the price
                                                                   required to achieve a target market
                    An internal tool in mass production           share or sales level can be set.
                     environments that do not
                     emphasise continual improvement.             Driven by external market prices
                                                                   and may not be attainable in the
                    A cost control technique.                     short term.

                    A reactive technique – the selling           A cost reduction activity.
                     price of a new product will be
                     determined by estimating its                 A proactive technique that starts
                     standard cost and adding the                  before the design of the product is
                     required profit margin to the cost.           formalised. Once this target price
                                                                   has been determined, a required
                                                                   long-term profit margin is agreed. It
                                                                   I sonly once the target cost has
                                                                   been agreed that the design team
                                                                   can begin their work. Our products
                                                                   must be designed with a pre-
                                                                   determined cost ceiling.

                  Illustrations and further practice

                  Now read the ‘Target costs and standard costs’ illustration from Chapter 3, and
                  attempt example 1 ‘Target Costing’.

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