Page 92 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 92
Your Unfair Advantage #14:
Spend AT LEAST As Much Time Working On Keeping
Customers Longer and Spending More,
As You Do Seeking New Customers
Chapter 15. Under Promise and Over Deliver
Live your life abiding by this one principle:
“Under Promise and Over Deliver.“
This should be your new Golden Rule.
Living a life of under-promising and over-delivering in all areas of your personal
and professional life is hugely rewarding - and easy to do!
This should be taught and all the schools in the world and EVERYONE should live
by it. Think about how much better this world would be if…
● Under-promising and over-delivering was embraced by political leaders
all across the world.
● Every business owner adopted under-promising and over-delivering as
their mantra.
● Everyone in any leadership position embraced under-promising and
over-delivering and taught it to everyone they know.
We've all seen it, we've all experienced it, and we all can actually recognize it
when it happens. Can you imagine what life would be like if everybody under-
promised and over-delivered?