Page 129 - The Jazzsipper Novel
P. 129
all the time, but to Vance he knew what he had done was wrong. So, he
thought by spending the money on traveling back and forth so he and Regina
could care for Uncle Frank and Regina’s father would help him to right the
wrong. Vance still had his vending business going but he had been working a
short week for the past year, so he was not making the money he was use to
making. But Vance did not care; when it came to Aunt Jessie and Uncle Frank
he would have spent it all at the drop of a hat.
For the past few months Vance and Regina had been brainstorming
business ideas that they felt they could get into with a low overhead, but with
a high return. They looked at the carpet cleaning business; they figured that
they could generate many leads and subcontract the work out. They looked
at the junk car business and researched buying the cars at one price and
selling to the junkyards at another price. They even looked at the storefront
and residential window washing business, where they would generate leads
for independent contractors. But the more they brainstormed the more they
kept coming back to the vending business, it was something that Vance was
doing already, it was very profitable and the market was already there. Regina
read in the Atlanta Business Chronicle newspaper an article about how the
city of Atlanta was seeking proposals from interested parties to take over the
management of street vending in the downtown and Midtown area. This would
essentially privatize a function that has been under the control of the city’s
public safety department; which were currently overseeing Vance, and 75 or
so sellers of food, clothing, souvenirs and other items downtown and
throughout the city. The article stated that it would be an opportunity to put in
place a themed vending approach that is consistent, attractive and could even
generate a few bucks for the city treasury. The article continued to say that;