Page 18 - NAFIF-2019-Facility-Reference-Guide
P. 18

·  You’ll occasionally receive outreach for someone who’s already refused.  Even
                           in these cases, you should reach out again, letting them know that the Client
                           has told us that the buy side client is now ready to talk.
                       ·  If it’s unclear which sell-side Client has reached out, please ask Donna Mecca,
                           and we can let you know.

                    As always, when you have Client Outreach leads, please update status with either
                    code 096 immediately. Code of 096 will tell us that you are aware of the lead. If you
                    reach out and the Buy-Side Client refuses, please code these with 024 which will let
                    us know that the buy side client refused, despite our having been informed of their
                    willingness to participate.

                    EI Compensation Structure

                    Interview Fees

                       ·  Please refer to the Statement of Work you received along with your invitation to
                       ·  Program QARs – Tiering is similar to last year with the exception of EM. We are
                           paying a higher rate for EM interviews so it has been removed from the Tier 1
                           QARs and this is reflected on the invoice.
                       ·  OV and CFI can be administered and invoiced only once per booklet


                       ·  Comp QAR – This year you will be eligible for a post field bonus if you have at
                           least a 50% completion rate for Comp QARs. In order to qualify for this bonus,
                           the salary and bonus questions must be answered.
                       ·  Dealer Citation Incentive – interviews with 9 dealer citations will be eligible for a
                           post field bonus. You must average 9 dealers over the EM, GOV, HY, IG and
                           MBSPT interviews.
                       ·  Early Bird:
                               -  February 4  through March 11, 2019:
                               -  Past Participant - $25 per booklet
                               -  New - $50 per booklet
                               -  Past Refuser - $75 per booklet
                       ·  Refuser Bonus: $50 per booklet from March 11  through end of field
                       ·  Hedge Fund:  the Hedge Fund bonus has now been standardized at $100 per
                           HF – Payable per booklet
                       ·  Priority: $50 payable per booklet
                       ·  Disclosure: $25 payable per booklet
                       ·  Recording bonus: $15 per recording received
                       ·  EI Target & Facility Goal Incentive: If you hit the goal that will be communicated
                           to you prior to field start, you will be eligible for the incentive below which is
                           based on your portfolio size:

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